I walk away from her, angry that she got to me, almost ruining my mood. She walks furiously past me, and I don’t bat a lid. She can pull any cards she can think of from her mind games. They simply won’t work on me anymore.
No one seems to notice the little spat with Sophia, and I’m glad about that. Especially Aurora. I don’t want her to think I have or want to have anything to do with Sophia. Things have changed considerably between us, and I really don’t want to ruin it.
We both know the lines are no longer there, they got erased nearly a month ago when we had our first kiss, which we still haven’t talked about. We’ve both been going with the flow, probably holding out until the wedding is done.
As for me, I know what I want. I want Aurora.
I never want the peace and joy I experience with her to end. But as I thought before, a good relationship is not built on lies. So, until after the wedding, I hope we’ll both be on the same page a little longer.
I catch Aurora’s gaze as I move closer to the group and she gives me a worried look, subtly searching my eyes. Trust my girl to never miss anything at all. She is that observant. She runs towards me, and Bella runs back to the other group, obviouslygiving us our space. I shake my head at her to show her everything is fine.
She grins at me with a wicked glint in her eyes, and I know she’s about to do something I’m sure I’ll not expect. And yep, before I can ready myself, she throws herself at me, wrapping her legs around my waist like a koala.
I laugh and go down into the grassy perimeter, unsuccessfully trying to balance myself. The fall knocks the breath out of me, and I groan out loud. Aurora bursts out laughing, and I find myself grinning in return, the pain long forgotten. She leans over me, her hair shielding us like a curtain, and bends to kiss me.
Her lips brush mine for a second, then I feel something cold splash me back to reality. Aurora squeals and jumps off me, running back a few feet. My idiotic brother-in-law-to-be is holding the hose with the rest cheering him on. They cackle maliciously as I’m soaked to the bone.
And am I seeing that little stinker of a girlfriend, albeit fake girlfriend, joining in on the laughter? Oh yeah!
Again, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.
Chapter twenty-nine
Aurora – What More Can Go Wrong?
What a great time we’re having. Bella sure knows how to throw a party. Although I’m not part of the wedding party, per se, I feel such a part of the festivities. I know that the cake I’ve designed will be a delight for Bella and Ethan. They want it to be a surprise and gave me full reign to create whatever I think will be nice. Well, nice is too insignificant a word. I’m going for spectacular!
Even though the wedding is relatively small, I feel the minimum I can go for is four tiers, all in their deep red and green motif with wedding bells and holly as accents. I hope that she feels my love coming through each bite!
And as an additional surprise, I’m planning to create my signature Cake Bombs for each of her guests to take home after the reception. I’ll leave the rainbow interior, of course, but carry on the wedding theme with white frosting and tiny red bows.Instead of the plain white boxes I found the most exquisite little heart-shaped ones covered in tiny silver bells. Just perfect, I hope.
After a delicious breakfast of pancakes, I’m literally skipping down the hotel hall, looking for Jake. I got a text from him saying to meet him by the hot tub, where we’d all had fun last night after all the party games. I feel myself getting warm at the thought of what transpired last night. He stared at me like I was the only woman who existed, and never let me out of his sight even for a second.
I run into Bella, who looks shocked to see me, and she stutters out a greeting.
“W- where are you going, Aur?” she asks, fear written all over her face.
“The hot tub. Jake says to meet him there. Why?” I ask, raising my brow at her attitude.
“Oh, it’s n-nothing. Could you please come help me check something out in my room?” she asks quickly, as I make to move forward to find Jake.
“Okay, Bells. What’s that?” I ask, ready to follow her back into her room, but I hear Jake’s voice nearby, and I feel a smile creep on my lips.
“Let me just talk to Jake really quick, then we can go back to your room together,” I say, already moving towards the corner in the passage where I think he will be.
“Aurora, no!” Bella yells, as I round the corner of the passage.
But it’s already too late. I feel my breath literally getting knocked out of me as pain slams into my heart.It’s all a misunderstandingI think to myself. Sophia is forcing herselfon Jacob.
A second passes, two, and then three, but Jake stands there with Sophia’s hand gripping his face. I feel nausea roll up my throat, the image of them kissing forever burned into my memory. These are the same lips that kissed mine yesterday, whispering to me how I am the most beautiful girl in the world.
I turn back from the scene, absentmindedly registering Bella’s tear-stricken face telling me she has no idea what is going on and was only stopping me from going there so I wouldn’t get hurt.
She keeps mumbling something about her not betraying me, but I pay her no attention. Betray me? She has done nothing to betray me, why is she the one apologizing to me?
I head back toward the room I share with Brittney in a daze, the forbidden image burning in my brain, taunting me. I feel my eyes burn from holding back so many tears, and my heart won’t stop squeezing painfully in my chest.
Why am I even hurt? It’s not like we’re in a real relationship. It’s all fake, and that’s all it will ever be.