I lick my lips absentmindedly while staring at him in return, not able to pull my gaze away from his. He leans closer to me, and I feel myself doing the same. His lips brush mine, and we hear someone clear their throat awkwardly.

“Your drinks are ready,” he says, looking anywhere but at us.

“Thank you,” Jake says smoothly, appearing not in the least to be ruffled about the whole situation.

He hands my drink over, and I mutter my thanks to him. He nods and gets his drink off the countertop, leading me away from the bar.

Since Jake is the host of this fabulous soiree, he makes the rounds of the room and then the dance floor, taking me with him as the unofficial hostess, I guess. After what seems like dozens of handshakes and even some hugs from grateful workers and their guests, I get to see yet another side of this man.

He is just as kind and generous in the work setting as out. His family must be so very proud of him.Wait a minute, so am I!

We find a place to sit, and almost immediately a waiter approaches us, asking if we’d be interested in some ‘Witch’s Fingers.’ I cringe at the very corny names given to the refreshments. Jake laughs and nods.

Two plates of scones are placed on the table and I laugh out loud. “Witch’s Fingers? Really?”

Jake laughs too, picking up one from the plate and taking a bite out of it.

He groans appreciatively. “This is really good. You should try one,” he says, and I am about to pick a scone from the plate when he places his half-bitten one right in my mouth.

I take a bite out of it, my tongue accidentally brushing his finger. I feel him tense up, and I look at him to see his reaction. His eyes are considerably darker and more intense. I gulp and lick my lips, staring right into his eyes.

“Tasty. Real tasty,” I whisper, taking another small bite, this time, my tongue brushing his finger on purpose.

He narrows his eyes at me, and I smile innocently, raising my hand in mock-surrender. He throws the rest of the tiny pastry into his mouth and reaches for another, feeding it to me first.

We talk, goof, dance, and laugh into the night, neither of us questioning the blurred lines.

And honestly, I don’t want to. Not now.

Chapter twenty-eight

Jake – Bella’s Happy Rehearsal Week

I run, panting hard and fast. I’m almost at the finish line, and I feel Aurora kick my thighs again, spurring me to run faster, like a horse. I laugh, the sound coming out harsh.

Aurora giggles, her hands holding me tightly like her life depends on it. Somehow, they do. Because we’re currently running a race with her on my back as my partner. We’re currently leading, with Ryan and Brittney as partners following closely behind. Aurora thinks it’s fun to spur me on like a horse, and I allow her, letting her have her fun.

It's Thanksgiving week, and this is part of Bella’s idea to make her rehearsal and wedding preparations more fun than typical ones. And this is the second game we’re playing this week.

I hear Ryan’s harsh panting close to me, and I groan when Aurora squeals loudly close to my ears. She takes the game morepersonally than all of us put together. Seems she’s got a real competitive spirit.

“Jake, run faster!” she squeals excitedly, when Brittney tries to pull her off my back, and I laugh, running faster out of their reach.

We reach the finish line, and I literally dump Aurora down on the pile of foams ready and waiting for just that. She yells excitedly, pumping her fist in the air.

“Yeah! We did it Jake!” she keeps yelling, and I laugh at her antics.

This is a new side to Aurora that I’m just now seeing. She seems happy, carefree, and childlike. Every moment we spend together always seems better than the last. She has so many layers to her, which I enjoy finding whenever we hang out.

We haven’t talked about our first kiss or the ones after that. Neither of us is ready to talk about it or the lines fast blurring our supposedly fake relationship.

I limp to the refreshment stand near the winning spot and grab a bottle of water. I gulp it down greedily, the water soothing my parched throat. Bella had suggested the race, with the guys totting their partners on their backs, trying to reach the finish line first. I think it was a way to torture us.

Ryan and Brittney come up next. Making them come in second place is the cherry on top of the sundae to me! Ethan and Bella are far back in their lane because they won’t stop laughing, and keep stumbling over each other. The older adults on the sidelines are howling at the antics, seeming to have as much funas we are.

Just as Bella had wanted, it’s only close family members and a few close friends, and she’ll not have it any other way. Ethan’s parents, his only little brother, and two of his cousins are here from his side of the family. The rest will be coming only for the wedding ceremony and the reception. On our side, we have our parents, Ryan and Brittney, Dylan, and, unfortunately, Sophia and Alex. I'm happy that Bella has gotten to know Ryan and Brittney well enough to want them at her wedding. Both of them have grown to adore her and Ethan.

I sigh, thinking about their presence for the earlier wedding preparation. Of course, I can never fully forget, since Sophia never lets me have a single moment of breathing space to myself. Anytime she catches me alone without Aurora by my side, she perches like some evil bird.