I break into a huge smile as his eyes find mine almost immediately. He walks straight to me and gives me a friendly side hug, to keep up appearances since Bella is here. We’ve had to up our game with a bit more physical contact since herarrival.
“Hi, babe,” he greets in a tired, husky voice, and I feel a flip in my belly.
“Hey, you,” I reply lamely, with a silly grin on my face. “How was your day?” I ask, brushing purple fur off from his shoulder.
He must have gotten it from walking too close to one of the decorations.
“The usual, working on designs for a new client. He’s a very problematic customer. The dude can’t decide what he wants. He’s had us go through three different design plans without picking one,” he explains, and I tut-tut in support.
“Sorry about that. Some clients can be really difficult,” I agree, and he grins tiredly, slinging an arm around my shoulder.
“How’d your day go? The decorations look really nice.”
“My day went fine . . . nothing special. Yep! The decorations are nicely done. Thanks to everyone, including Bella.”
Having a conversation with Jake feels so natural and, honestly, relaxing. It feels nice to have someone outside your inner friend circle to talk with about your day. I hear a throat clearing, and I am jolted back into reality. I realize I’ve been staring at Jake for almost a minute, and I feel my cheeks burn.
He wiggles his eyebrows and smiles at me knowingly. I push him away from me gently, but he doesn’t let go. I notice the whole shop has gone silent, and they are all staring at us with silly grins on their faces, save for Ryan, who has a disgusted expression on his.
“Ugh! Get a room you two. At least have some shame, Jake. Your little sister is right in front of you, and you’re practically undress . . .” That is about all he gets out before Brittney smacks him on the back.
“Ow! What was that for?!” He glares at her, rubbing his back. Well, at least he tries to, stretching his hand to reach the probably-stinging area.
My café manager Noah announces his leave along with Ava. “Good night, you two. Thank you for today and have a sweet night’s rest.” I wave at them.
“Bye, Aurora,” Ava calls out softly, and Noah throws me a salute.
One for him and the other one for Ava. He drops her home every night when they have shifts together. I wiggle myself out of Jake’s grip. He’s asking Bella about her day, and I feel uncomfortable hanging around them while they’re into small talk. I don’t want to be that kind of girlfriend. I make my way to Ryan and Britt, who are still bickering with each other.
“All done guys. Stop bickering, and let’s get going.” I swipe Ryan’s keys from the table, flinging them at him. Britt bursts out laughing, and Ryan scowls, muttering something about overbearing women and bullies. Brittney coos at him, pinching his cheeks, and he swats her hand away. I roll my eyes, heading off into my office to get my purse and coat and to switch off the lights.
Back in the shop I find Jake and Bella waiting for me. “I could drop you off babe. I don’t mind,” Jake pipes up, holding my hand as I pass by him, and I sigh.
Not that I mind. In fact, I’d very much love it, but he lives on the other side of town, close to his office.
“It’s okay, Jake. I don’t want to inconvenience you. You’ve had a long day at the office and having to drop me off first would be out of your way. And it’s really silly becauseI’m right on the way for Ryan and Britt. You go on with Bells. I’ll see you tomorrow. Ok?”
“I don’t mind either, Aurora,” Bella chimes in, and I shake my head.
“So long, Bells. Head off with Jake. I’ll see you tomorrow. We’re still on for shopping, right?” I ask, while walking with Jake to the door.
“Definitely!” she replies excitedly.
We all step out of the shop, and I switch off the lights, save for the security ones. Locking up, I drop the keys in my purse.
Jake walks up to me and gives me a light kiss on the cheek.
“Goodnight, beautiful,” he whispers into my ear, and I mutter a reply, grinning like a loon.
“They make me sick,” Ryan says in mock disgust, and this time Brittney agrees, no smack included.
“Goodnight, Ryan and Brittney,” Jake calls to them, and they chorus a reply, waving back at him and Bella.
When Jake and Bella leave, my friends turn to me, giving me weird looks. Britt was making kissy faces and Ryan was gagging. I give them both disgusted looks, shaking my head while laughing.
“Whatever you see or think, it’s all part of the act,” I say sternly, gesticulating widely with my hands. But their childish actions won’t stop.
“Whatever you say, Cupcake. Whatever you say,” Ryan says, as he slings an arm around my shoulder and steers me to the car, Brittney following behind.