“Please, don’t say no! Please, don’t say nooooo! Pleeeeaaaase!” Bella begs, joining both palms in a prayer position and extending them towards me.
“You want me to bake your wedding cake?” I ask again, feeling overwhelmed with the trust that comes with the request and the task. I hadn’t been expecting this when I stopped to say goodbye on my way out.
I only sat down because I had signaled to Noah to go pack them our signature Cake Bomb Special. It’s the shop’s specialty and a recipe known only to me. Right on cue, Noah approaches with the colorful plastic boxes, with golden bows delicately tied on them. I have to gift them something. Who knows, this might be our last encounter. But it seems the universe has other plans in store for me now that Bella and Melissa are asking me to bake Bella’s wedding cake. How do I say no?
He places one in front of each of them, smiling sweetly. “Our cake special, from the house, ma’ams.”
Melissa smiles sweetly. “You shouldn’t have, Aurora. This is so kind of you. Thank you so much.”
“Thank you so much, Aur,” Bella mimics in awe, staring at the cake through the transparent lid with so much wonder.
She loosens the bow and unwraps the box, revealing a rainbow-colored cake in the shape of a heart. She grabs the smallfork neatly tucked in a compartment in the box and takes a bite. Her eyes widen comically, and she rapidly shovels two more helpings into her mouth.
“Shish ish sho goord,” she says, with a mouthful of cake. Melissa smiles at her daughter’s antics and shakes her head tenderly.
“Isabella, where are your manners?” she tries to say sternly, but ends up grinning in the end.
Bella swallows and stares at me wide-eyed. “You’ve got to bake my wedding cake, please! Aurora, please! I want this cake! It’s wonderful!” she chants, turning to me and grabbing my hands.
She pouts, giving me the puppy look. I laugh and nod, unable to resist her charm. Guess I couldn’t have said no even if I wanted to.
“Yay!” she squeals, hugging me tightly, and I gulp down a knot in my throat. It has been a while since I enjoyed such warm comfort coming from a family, with dad being in the city and mom. . . well, I know nothing of her location.
“Thank you so much, Aurora,” Melissa says warmly, her eyes crinkling kindly.
“It’s an honor. Thank you so much for trusting me with something as important as your wedding cake.”
“The honor is ours. My brother is lucky to have you,” Bella says, winking energetically at me.
I feel the anger return at the mention of Jake, but I think I hide it well, and I remember my plan to be out of here, not wanting to see his stupid handsome face. I wouldn’t want him to meet me here with his family when he’s donereconciling with Sophia. He will have to handle telling them the truth about the situation.
I hope to remain friends with Bella and Melissa, if they will have me after the truth comes out. I make a show of checking the time on my phone.
“Whoops! I really need to go, now. I need to take my cat to the vet for a checkup. I’m sorry, I don’t want to miss the appointment.” I lie through my teeth, hoping they will not see the lie.
“It’s okay, honey,” Melissa says, with a sorry expression on her face. “I hope he gets better.”
“Aw, it’s all right, Aur. Take care! Byeeee!”
I stand up, and they both stand too, hugging me in turns. I revel in Melissa’s motherly, warm embrace and enjoy every bit of Bella’s sisterly hug.
Returning Bella’s energetic wave and risking a glance at the passage leading to my office, I see no one. I feel an unidentified emotion roll through me. Not looking back again, I hear a tiny voice reminding me that Alex is nowhere to be seen.
Chapter twenty-one
Aurora – Two of Them? I’m Exhausted.
As I step out of the door, something hard hits me in the face. Shocked, I look sideways to see a little girl of around six staring at me with a shocked, very sorry expression on her face. I rub my smarting nose to check if there is blood. There is none, but my entire face hurts from the assault of her ball flying smack onto it.
“I’m really sorry, ma’am. I didn’t mean to. It was an accident.” Twiddling her tiny fingers, her large blue eyes stare at me in fear and remorse.
Totally impressed with her good manners, I take hold of her hand and move us away from the entrance. I bend down to her level and smile. “It’s okay, sweetie. It was an accident. You didn’t do it on purpose.”
She smiles shyly at me, revealing an adorable gap where her left front tooth is missing. She pecks me on the cheek and runsaway, her pigtails bouncing happily after her. I savor her sweetness, the pain forgotten. Kids really do have a way of making you feel better.
A shadow falls over me, blocking the sunlight. I look up to see Alex smiling down at me. He extends a hand towards me but I ignore it as I stand up and sigh, turning to leave immediately.
“I see you haven’t changed—being nice and all,” he says, as I move past him, his hand falling limply at his side.