Just then, my phone notifies me of a text. Staring at the unknown number, I feel weird. I don’t know anyone who could have sent me a text from an unknown number. Could it be mom? But I have her old number, and dad would definitely tell me if she had decided, or was planning, to reach out.
Tapping on the number, I freeze, my heart turning into a lump of ice. I can feel my cheeks burning and my heart bursting from its icy form, palpitating widely against my ribcage. I drop the phone on the table like it had suddenly transformed into a scorpion. It might as well have, because the words on the screen sting, shooting poisonous meaning into my heart.
I don’t hear Britt come in. I can only feel her shaking me. Her words sound like a high-pitched ringing sound. Looking at her face, I see panic and fear. I can’t hear what she is saying, but I know she is trying to get me to focus on her face and her voice. She’s done this for me before.
The ringing stops, but I still can’t hear her voice. She takes my hands and starts rubbing soothing circles on them. I feel her clean around my eyes, and this is when I realize I’ve been crying. The fragrance of her sweet perfume invades my nose, and I grasp onto it and slowly climb back into reality.
“Aurora, are you okay? What the heck happened? Is your dad fine? Did your mom call? Hey, look at me! Talk to me!” My mom calling? I think that would have been better. Right now, I’d choose facing her rather than facing what is to come for me. I nod at my phone and she picks it up. The text’s still on display, and she reads it out loud.
Hi Mami! It’s been a while. Trust you’re good? I’ll be visiting Birchwood probably next week. Dunno the date yet. I’ll be comingwith my fiancée to visit the brother of a friend. Will branch into one of your offices to see you. See ya soon, Mami! Alex.
As Britt reads the text from Alex, each word is like a poisonous dart, weakening me the more I hear them. I can feel the armor I’ve built over time begin to dent, and the resilience start to chip off.
I hate this. I hate feeling like this, and I hate the fact that just a text from Alex can have me spiraling downward. No, I definitely do not love him anymore. It is the phase of my life he represents, the impact and the significance his leaving had on that phase of my life. No, it is definitely not love, but that doesn’t stop me from hating the fact that I can be transported back to what I was, in just the blink of an eye.
“I’m okay. I promise,” I say sharply, cutting off Britt as she opens her mouth to ask what I know was coming next. “I’ve had enough of being asked that question in the last 24 hours. Thanks to Jake, the Duke of Jerk Town. And now this. I’m not that girl anymore—the one who feared everything good, and that all the good people were bound to disappear from her life. I have three successful businesses and I have my two amazing and very supportive best friends. And, of course, dad.”
“Are you through?” Britt asks, referring to my earlier statement. “Aurora, I love you, and you are my best friend. But you know I have to be honest with you,” she begins, and I start shaking my head at the lecture I know is to come.
But she doesn’t budge this time. She has an unusual fire in her eyes and that scares me. “Here, have a muffin and your cup of coffee. I collected them from Ava onmy way in.”
Accepting both the coffee and muffin, I set them on the office table. My appetite is far away on a vacation in the desert. Brittney takes a sip from hers then holds my hand and leads me to my doughnut-themed couch, looking into my eyes with so much care, my heart melts.
“Aur, I think it’s high time you accept that you have not healed enough. Maybe not at all. All you did was shove the incidents to the back of your mind, find a coping mechanism, and force yourself to be strong. You never really allowed yourself to heal.”
“I do not have a coping mechanism, and Ihavehealed, B. I am fine. The text took me by surprise, that’s all,” I say, not fully believing it myself. “Can we not talk about this again? Please, B?”
She shakes her head in the negative, and I hear myself sigh.
“You’ve always been a levelheaded woman. You want to tell me why you flared up at Jake yesterday?”
I feel my blood boil at the reminder of last night’s events. My eyes spewing fire, I spit out, “He insulted my business, Britt. Called me immature and told me I’ve got commitment issues. He doesn’t even know me!” I finished, my chest heaving.
“You see what I’m talking about? You were very angry because he hit a sore spot, and you still are. No, don’t argue with me. We both know it, girl. I love you, and I honestly want the best for you. Now the news of Alex’s impending visit has you spiraling, so what are you going do when he comes—hide?”
I open my mouth to counter that statement and realize that is exactly what I had planned on doing: wait out his visit in my apartment, or go visit dad in the city. I open and closemy mouth, gaping like a fish out of water. I was expecting to see Britt sporting a triumphant smile, but she has the kindest expression on her face. She has never been the ‘I told you so’ type. And I love her so much for it.
I slump, resting on the couch, absentmindedly picking at the sprinkles design. Britt pulls me close and rests my head on her shoulder, rubbing soothing circles on my arm.
“The first thing, Aur, is to find you a stable job.” I made to stand up so I could stare at her in shock, but she strengthens her hold on me. She continues, “I’m not telling you to leave your shops, or close them down. Your fear of loss got you opening three shops, didn’t it? The first step to healing in that direction is to get a separate, stable, job.”
“If you can manage to do that for a week without resigning, then the next steps to healing will be made easier for you. Your fear is the lack of stability. You fear that nothing is permanent and within the blink of an eye, you could lose it all. That is exactly why you have three shops—so you always have a backup plan. And I know having a permanent place to arrive at every morning will be hard, but you’ll be fine. You can do it, Aur. I know you can do it.”
Britt finishes, her voice vibrating through me, soothing me. The thought of having something so permanent scares me, and I can feel my heart thumping hard.
“You can’t run from Alex forever, Aur. And you can’t keep opening shops forever to keep your fear at bay. Baby steps, and you will get there,I promise.”
“But where would I get a job in Birchwood, anyway?” I mutter out loud, and at this Brittney sits up excitedly while my head falls with a thud on the couch.
I narrow my eyes, and she doesn’t even notice it. Her green eyes glinting excitedly, I feel a tingle run down my spine. She looks totally mischievous.
“It’s at the new construction company! The CEO needs a new Personal Assistant. You should apply. I told him you would be coming on Monday for the interview, anyway.”
“Wait a minute, the construction company? Isn’t that where Jake works? And how do you know the CEO anyway?”
I narrow my eyes again, suspicion coloring my tone. Britt shrugs, facing me directly.Not that I actually care if Jake works there. Actually, I wouldn’t mind giving him a big piece of my mind the next time I see him.
“Yeah, Jake works there. That shouldn’t be your concern. You’ll be working for the CEO. You might not even run into Jake at all! And how do I know the CEO? Forget that. I hinted you’re coming, that’s enough information for you. All I need is for you to show up for the interview.”