And I see the Aurora that Ryan’s been talking to me about. The Aurora he couldn’t stop describing, and I feel something shift deep within me. Remorse and guilt are warring through me. How had I managed to misread her expression that day? I was the judgmental one, not her.

“How’re you doing?” I ask, truly meaning it.

Today has been a heck of a ride, and she is the one who bore most of the brunt of it all.

“Honestly, this day feels so long ago now. Like it didn’t just all happen today.” She laughs and continues: “I’m still trying to wrap my head around all these events and feelings, honestly. But I’d say I’m doing better than I thought I’d be, actually. I have my friends to thank for that.”

The love and respect she has for them shines through her eyes, and I feel a little bit envious of her relationship with her friends. I don’t have any close friends besides Ryan and a few acquaintances. It’s always been just Dylan and family and, for a while, Sophia.

“I’m sorry,” I say, after a short pause.

She furrows her brows, looking confused at my tone.

“It’s okay, Jake. You didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I mean, you didn’t match-make Sophia and Alex. Neither of us saw that coming.”

“No, Aurora. I’m sorry for everything. From the very beginning, I acted like a jerk and insulted you and your shops. I literally berated your businesses, the insults in the elevator, and in my office. I am so sorry for it all.” I cringe inwardly, clearly seeing how much of a dirtbag I’ve been all along.

“I really have no excuse for it at all. There’s no explanation for how much of an idiot I’ve been to you. Saying ‘that’s not who I am’ is a cliché statement that really sounds stupid, because I literally did and said all those hurtful things. And I’m sorry for snapping at you earlier in your office. I hadn’t meant to do that, either.

“And as for dropping my hand off your shoulder? Aurora, it was to hold your hand because I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable at the sudden closeness. And the next second, you were gone. I never meant any disrespect. I’m sorry about it all.

“But at the risk of sounding stupid, that’s not who I truly am, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, Aurora,” I beg, wincing internally at how weird I sound.

“It’s okay, Jake. It’s all in the past now,” she says, genuinely making me sit up straight in shock.


She laughs at my reaction, shaking her head.

“It’s okay? Just like that? You don’t maybe wanna throw a glass of water at my face?” I ask in disbelief.

Speaking of which, not a single attendant has popped in here to ask for our orders.

As if reading my mind, she looks at the table and says in a joking voice, “Maybe the water part would have been nice. But there’s no liquid here right now.” She continues, serious. “I’m sorry for overreacting back at the office,” she says, wincing slightly at the memory of it.

“Hmm, it’s weird how no one has come in here to take our orders.” I echo her thoughts.

“I think my friends might have had something to do with that,” she says dryly, rolling her eyes, and I chuckle lightly.

“Bella told me you’ll be baking her wedding cake?” Trying to make small talk, I figure it will then be easier to ease into the inevitable topic we need to discusstonight.

“Yep, I’m still surprised about that, but is it okay with you, though?” she asks, and I grin in response.

“Only if you’ll agree for me to be the taster.”

“Deal.” She laughs out loud, throwing her head back.

“Speaking of cake, thank you for the boxes you gifted my mom and little sister. The bills also. You really didn’t have to.” I thank her genuinely, really amazed by her level of kindness. It’s no wonder Mom and Bella are completely smitten by her.

And that reminds me of the reason why I texted Ryan about Aurora’s location tonight. I’d been thinking she’d be in one of her shops. He texted back they were at home but about to head out to the bar.

I had just driven mom and Bella back to the station for their train ride back home. So, I rushed back home, jumped into the shower, and put some effort into my outfit before driving back to the bar to wait for them. Well, for Aurora specifically.

As planned, we have to decide what we need to do with the matter at hand. Left to me, I’d say we go with the lie. Protect ourselves from our pasts. But Aurora’s decision matters. I don’t plan to force her into a situation she doesn’t want to be a part of.

If she wants the truth to be told, so be it.

Chapter twenty-five