I know she feels bad that Aurora has covered the bill.
“She’ll only find other ways to repay you if you insist on paying. One time, a customer insisted on paying, and she kept giving her free pastries every time she came over to the shop. She had to apologize to Aurora deeply before the free stuff stopped,” the lady, Ava, as seen on her nametag, gently explains, a fond smile on her lips.
“Oh, really?” Mom laughs, her eyes twinkling in admiration at Aurora’s kindness.
“But what about the sandwich I bought just now?” I ask helplessly. At least I need to pay for something.
“It’s covered, sir,” she replies, a knowing smile on her face.
I groan inwardly.How does she make a profit when she gives out all her food?
“All right then, thank you, Ava.”
“You’re welcome. Have a nice day, sir,” she says respectfully. Turning to Bella and mom, she nods respectfully. “Have a nice day, ma’ams.”
As we walk toward where I parked my car, we hear loud voices, as if two people are having a serious argument. I recognize one of the voices as Sophia’s.
When we near where my car is parked, I see Alex and Sophia standing by another car—probably Alex’s—glaring hatefully at each other. They both go silent when they see us. Breathing heavily, Alex sports a red handprint on his right cheek, and I raise a brow at that. Yep! Sophia has hit a new low—now she hits people?
I pretend not to see the spectacle right in front of us, and so does mom. But Bella hurries to Sophia and takes her hand, looking extremely worried.
“What’s going on, guys?” she asks, looking from one party to the other, but they both keep quiet.
Suddenly, Sophia bursts into tears, and Alex angrily walks away from the scene.
I unlock the car and open the back door for mom, and she smiles at me in thanks and gently slips in. Shutting the door after her I jump in the driver’s seat and turn on the ignition, a cue for Bella to know we have to leave. I look out the window, and I see them whispering to each other, Bella wiping Sophia’s tears, and the latter giving her a watery smile in return.
“I’ll call you,” Bella says loudly, hugging her tightly.
She walks to the car, glancing back worriedly, but Sophia gives her a reassuring smile, waving slightly at her. Bella sighs as she jumps in the passenger seat, shutting the door and reaching for the seatbelt atthe same time.
As I navigate the car to leave the parking lot, I can’t help but throw a last glance at Sophia, who is already staring at me. She gives me a malicious smile and a wink, blowing me a kiss.
Right then, I know I did the right thing by ignoring her when she burst into tears earlier. She probably did it to see if I would come running like I used to. But judging by the glint in her eyes as I drive away, I know she’s not going to give up until she ruins what she thinks I have with Aurora. Not now and not necessarily soon, she’s going to strike hard when she feels I least expect it.
“Jake, where is the biggest hotel around here?” Bella queries suddenly, thankfully drawing me out of the dark lane my mind was beginning to veer me into.
“It’s just like a twenty-minute drive from here to it on the other side of town. Why?” I ask her, wanting to know why she suddenly wants to know where the biggest hotel in Birchwood is located.
Not that I mind driving her there. The weather is perfect for being out with family, and there’s nowhere else I’d rather be at the moment.
“An idea has been stuck in my mind for a while now. I just want to check the hotel out, see if my imagination can transition into reality,” she answers excitedly, nearly bouncing in her seat.
“Okay then,” I answer her, switching lanes to one that leads toward the hotel.
I steal a glance at the rearview mirror to see why mom has been quiet. She has her eyes closed, probably drifting off to sleep already.
Bella shuffles in her seat after some time, her thumbs twiddling one another. She steals a nervous glance at me every now and then and I sigh.
“Ask,” I tell her, going straight to the point.
“Ask what?” she tries to deflect, a plastic smile on her lips.
I take a quick glance at her, putting my focus back on the road. “I know you, Bells. There’s something you want to ask me, but you’re too nervous to do so. Ask away, sis.”
“What gave me away?” she asks with a surprised smile.
I shoot her a quick ‘duh’look. “The nervous glances. You’ve adjusted your position seven times now. Yep . . . I counted. And you’re twiddling your thumbs and giving me a fake smile right now,” I say, matter-of-factly.