Page 29 of The Note

“It’s clearly no coincidence that the surge in anti-Asian crimes has occurred in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, when politicians unapologetically invoked terms like China-virus and kung-flu. But the bridge from anti-China sentiment to attacks against Asian AMERICANS …


“… is a manifestation of the xenophobic ‘perpetual foreigner’ stereotype, in which even native-born citizens are viewed as unassimilated outsiders.


“And xenophobia and misogyny often intersect. To my assailant, I wasn’t just a Chink or a bitch, but the most despised combination of all: an Asian American woman.


“With every casual ‘me love you long time’ or ‘happy ending’ joke, our culture hypersexualizes and dehumanizes Asian American women.


“Having marched in my share of streets, I am left asking, who will march for us?” Read the full opinion at GUEST OPINION Who Will March For Us?


GUEST OPINION Who Will March For Us?So sorry this happened to our board member. Thank you @mayhanover for finding your voice to tell your story and ours.


GUEST OPINION Who Will March For Us?TERRIFIC op-ed by hate-crime victim about rise in anti-Asian violence. We are all allies!


GUEST OPINION Who Will March For Us?Who will march? I will! Anyone else?


You guys, thisGUEST OPINION Who Will March For Us?is by May HANOVER? Married name maybe, but snarky question: Are we sure she’s even Asian?


@Eatinpizzalikeaboss And she’s a former prosecutor, putting black and brown people in prison, claiming she has “marched in her fair share of streets”? I smell BS.


Okay @eatinpizzalikeaboss @bradpittsnextwife, y’all sent me down the rabbit hole. Found her LinkedIn. Looks Asian in her profile pic, but probably mixed (explains last name). Fancy private summer camp for the arts, Harvard undergrad, Columbia Law, DA. Marching in streets-LMFAO.


@Amateursleuth I also sussed out her LinkedIn. Says she starting as Associate Professor Fordham Law this year.



Ok wait for it. Pretty sure this womanGUEST OPINION Who Will March For Us?is the same crazy woman I filmed cuz she was bugging out. Subway platform in March, so timing lines up. Looks like her. Context matters?