“Well,” my voice was soft as I turned to King Kincaid, “I’d like to be,” I cleared my throat, determined not to cry in front of this ass**le, “excused, if I may?” My gaze was behind King Kincaid as I let my hair cover the side of my face, just in case my eyes were glistening.

“Go,” King Kincaid stated, a little wolf’s growl in his tone.

“Thank you.” I stood, walking away.

Only to hear Ezra behind me, arguing with his dad. I heard a definite “fucking ass**le” growled from him somewhere in his heated words before, without warning, he was at my side. He didn’t wrap an arm around me, still conscious of the people near us, but his arm was brushing mine as we walked through the tables.

I whispered, “Thank you for sticking up for me and my mom.” I gazed up at him. “She wasn’t a slut, even if she did sleep with a Vampire and, maybe, a Mage.”

“I know.” Ezra’s teeth were clenched. “He’s just trying to see what rattles you. It’s his way. Find the weakness, and use it when needed. I could tell he didn’t honestly think your mom was a slut. He just wanted to see your reaction.”

That stopped me dead in my tracks. “Really?”

Halting with me, he nodded.

“Huh.” We began moving again. “I can’t imagine growing up with a parent like that.”

Ezra shrugged, his arm rubbing up and down mine. “It wasn’t always fun.” He paused, and then grunted. “Everyone thinks his scariest card is that he was the King Vampire during the war, but what they don’t realize is his ace in the hole is his mind. The way he thinks. He’s a master strategist.” Another pause. “But better or worse, he is my dad and I did learn a lot from him.”

I thought about that. “Think you just played his game, reacting the way you did?”

“Probably.” A casual shrug. “Then again, I know it’s bugging the shit out of him that I’m touching you right now.” He grinned, his spring green eyes full of mischief. “Want to dance?”

“In for a penny?”

“Always.” He grinned evilly. “You in?”

“Always,” I echoed. “Let’s get Jack and Pearl. That’ll really bug the shit out of him.”

“Now, that’s why I love your ass.”

Changed into my black ceremonial robe, sans clothes underneath, I raced down the hallway…late again. I had smelled something lip-smacking after dancing for a half-hour, and had followed the scent to a smaller buffet table. There had been more brownies. I was there awhile, trying not to be too obvious as I went back for my fifth helping. Mmm-mmm.

Again, the platform was different this year. There were close to four thousand Mysticals here, and with no way to fit everyone in the Ceremony Arena, the school had decided to hold the Awakenings outside. The graduation-turned-Awakening area behind King Hall was almost done being rearranged as the organizers finished altering the chairs so that there was a large, empty square space on the lawn for all four Mys groups going through their Awakenings, with the seats surrounding it.

There were even students who weren’t from New York who had come here for their Awakening. I was told it was an honor to be amongst the first groups Awakened by the named Prodigies. Whatever. It just meant more practice for us, but I really prayed we didn’t screw up too badly. Also, I was really hoping there weren’t any pregnant Shifters, because who even knew, since some were from out of town, if their boyfriend — or boyfriends — had come here. Fun all around.

I raced into Mrs. Jonas’s office, not even bothering to stop and catch my breath this time. The Kings, the Prodigies, Mrs. Jonas, and again, the parents were in here before the Awakenings began. I halted inside the office, scoping the individuals I wanted to avoid.

King Kincaid was talking with Mrs. Jonas. Check.

King Venclaire was talking with King Nelson. Check.

Cahal was talking with Pearl, who was looking frantically about for help. Well, check and damn. I couldn’t leave her with that man. She was the worst liar, besides Nikki, and she wasn’t in here for him to pick on.

Sighing, I trudged across the room to Pearl’s side, completely ignoring Ezra’s dad, my gaze locked to her golden eyes. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

Snubbing him apparently wasn’t a deterrent, because he still asked, “Lily, where have you decided your home base will be? Jack mentioned three different locations, Pearl says she’s undecided, and Ezra’s mentioned five.” His head cocked so that he came in my line of sight, and Pearl’s eyes were sympathetic. Guess that was what he had been hounding her about.

“Possibly New York,” I explained, then altered my gaze to Pearl. “A minute, please?”

“Possibly…” Cahal purred, contemplative in his regard. “The latest any Prodigy has ever picked was a month before graduation and yet, none of you have a solid answer.” Another head c**k into my field of vision. “Do you not think that unusual?”

“No,” I stated, a little heat entering my tone. “But, I’m sure you do.”


Taking a deep breath, I remembered what Ezra had said about him. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” I smiled sweetly before physically steering Pearl away.

Close to my ear, Pearl hissed, “He’s terrifying.”

“He’s also a Vampire and just heard you say that,” I muttered, taking her to where Jack and Ezra stood talking quietly with their backs to everyone. I asked them, “What’s going on?”

Jack made room for Pearl and I, and he whispered quietly, “After this thing’s over, the plan’s to bail. Have some time off before dinner tonight.” His gaze was profound.

So we could talk privately about our plans for our home base issue. “My Hummer’s where it’s normally parked.”

Ezra pointed at me. “We were hoping so. We can leave our cars here. Ride together.”

Pearl glanced over her shoulder, then back to us. “The beach?”

Silently, we nodded. The beach was private if the guards stayed at a distance.

That decided, Jack glanced over at the group of Kings and parents, then glared at Ezra, griping with a hiss, “Your dad is like a bloodhound.”

“And he can hear you,” Ezra and I muttered as one.

“Oh.” Jack rubbed his chin. “Right.” His head cocked. “I always forget about that. What’s that like, being able to hear everyone?”