Page 67 of Bad Little Bride

A chill breaks out across my skin and I frown at the wall across from me.

It’s not uncommon in my world, for men to take advantage of women and force them into things they don’t want. Of course, my father cut the cocks off any man under his rule who was so much as rumored to have harmed a woman in any form.

Does Enzo allow such behavior in his ranks?

There’s nothing but men working in this mansion. Does that mean he can’t trust them around women?

Am I not safe in these walls?

Is Katana not safe?

Why do you care?!

My frown deepens.

So she hasn’t been out in two years and tonight, she was done up and dressed in a beautiful gown, so excited to go to the most boring type of event that exists—a fundraiser—and I was a total bitch, pissing on her parade from the moment we piled into the car.

She’s fucked your husband before, Boston. He was hers first.

One of the many famous words from my father come sliding in and, now more than ever, they make sense:Never trust someone who has something to gain from your fall.

Katana definitely has something to gain if I go down.

Her husband back.

This time, when Katana passes the blunt back my way, I don’t reach for it, and she doesn’t pull it up for another hit. A few moments later, the cherry burns out, and instead of relighting, Katana silently climbs off of my bed.

Her movement is slow, and it’s almost if she’s hoping I’ll ask her to stay. If that’s the case, she’s about to be disappointed.

The faster she’s out of here, the better.

She makes it halfway to the door when we hear footsteps in the hall.

We freeze, and then Enzo’s large frame is taking over the doorway.

He jerks to a stop, his mouth opening and clamping shut as he takes in the two of us.

“No.” He scowls. “Hell no.” His eyes beat around the room, landing on her. “Where is your guard?”

She needs a guard in this fortress?

“He may or may not be passed out on the floor by my door.” She smiles, as if proud. “That tea of his is no joke.”

“Not when you put your sleeping pills in it, it’s not.” Based on the way he frowns, his words are not a guess, letting me in on the fact her drugging her “guard” is a repeat offense. “Out. Now.”

She walks to the door, pausing right beside him and looking back at me.

My eyes narrow and she smiles sloppily, dazed off her ass. “Don’t worry, Enzo. I didn’t tell her about your issue, you know,risingto the occasion.”

I’ve lifted and heaved a lamp at her before she’s even finished her sentence. She squeals, ducking just as the porcelain explodes over the wall beside her head, and laughs her ass down the hall.

Crazy bitch.

Enzo’s hard eyes swing back to mine, narrowing as if he’s searching.

A scoff leaves me, anger and annoyance seeping into my veins. “She didn’t speak a word about whatever it is you don’t want me to know about your sex life.”

His glare only deepens, and he stands there for a full, silent minute.