“Hey, Hayze.” She flutters her lashes, biting her lip as she pushes up against him. “Fuck. Off.” She presses her red-covered fingertips into his suit jacket and drags them all the way down the front before he can protest, effectively using him as a napkin.
Hayze’s jaw tics, and she hops past him, then starts running for the back door and out of the house, forcing him to chase her.
“Well. Things at Greyson Manor are going to get a lot more interesting soon,” Rocklin says, watching them go.
“And here I thought Delta was going to be the one everyone continued to gossip about, what with her two boyfriends and all,” Mino teases.
Delta’s smile is queen-worthy, and the further it spreads, the more regal she looks. “You didn’t hear?” she asks, the question sounding completely genuine.
“Hear what?”
She runs her fingers along her lower lip, flicking her eyes to mine.
“She doesn’t have two boyfriends anymore.” Rocklin turns toward us and grins. “She has three.”
My brows jump, and Mino looks like he’s trying really hard to concentrate.
“Hmm.” He regards her, unable to hide his curiosity…and interest. “’Kay. And how do you?—”
“No.” I shake my head. “Nope. Wedding. Now.”
He stares at Delta a little longer, then shakes his head. “Married. Enzo. Right.” He clears his throat, and I can’t help butlaugh at him. “Let’s get all this shit going or we’ll never get to the fun part.”
Arm still wrapped in his, he leads me forward, out the front doors and to the massive amount of security vehicles waiting outside.
“My car is toward the front. Bastian is picking up Dad; they’ll meet us there,” Rocklin tells me, looking over as she steps up, green eyes meeting green eyes. “Want me to take Katana?”
I nod. Holding her gaze. Green on green. We stare at each other for several moments, tension slowly creeping into her gaze, but when the corner of my mouth twitches the slightest bit, her smirk spreads.
“Kill it, Beeks. We’ll be waiting.”
I watch them walk off, then turn toward Mino. “I’d like to ride alone.”
Mino looks off, nodding slightly. “Okay. I’ll be in the car behind you then.”
I jerk from his hold, spinning to face him. “What?”
“What?” He frowns.
I gauge him a moment, suspicion swimming in my gut. “Don’twhatme. You just agreed to let me ride alone. Without arguing. There is no way Enzo—” I cut off, clinking my teeth together as I glare at him.
“Wait.” He shuffles, his body fully facing mine now, and bends to bring himself eye level. “Why are you so shocked?”
He grabs my arm, pulling me closer. “What did you do?”
“What didhedo?”
“Guards,” I snap.
Mino’s brows jump, eyes narrowing when two guards slide up behind him. “What the fuck,” he mutters, looking back at me. “You better not have fucked up our?—”
“Catch you later, Mino baby.” I blow him a kiss, sliding into the seat.
“Wait. Wait!”