“This is smudge proof, right?”
She lifts her brows, the crybaby tattoo going with it. “Duh.”
“How long before it starts to wear off?”
Three sets of eyes narrow on me, but it’s the tip of Grandma’s head that is most concerning. I don’t look her way.
“You’ve got at least eight hours,” she begins, then thinks better of her answer, and adds, “three if you suck his dick on the ride from the ceremony to the reception.”
“Dear God,” Grandma mutters as she turns away, shaking her head.
I smirk to myself, parting my lips in invitation, and she gets to work, smoothing the creamy lipstick into place before stepping back and holding the tube out.
“Do you want to take it with you?” Jayden offers.
“No.” I face the mirror once more, pulling in a long breath. “That gives me plenty of time.”
Her eyes narrow. “Do I need to check to make sure our weapons are still where we put them?”
I laugh loudly, smiling across the three. “Yeah, sorry about that, but to answer your question, no. I have my own weapons now.”
“Why does it sound like you mean on you, as in tucked into your wedding dress?”
I simply smile, turning when there’s a knock at the door just as Mino pokes his head in.
He grins wide, shaking his head. “You ready, tiny dancer?”
“It’s now or never.”
“Ha!” He slaps the door. “That’s fucking funny.”
“What?” I play coy, lifting a shoulder. “It’s not like he tattooed his name on me or anything. Oh wait.” I tip my head Mino’s way. “You did that.”
He gives a little side smirk, holding his arm out for me to take. “I’m just happy he didn’t want it on your ass. There’s a solid chance he’d have killed me if I started rubbing on that booty.”
I fight a laugh, swallowing it when I step out of the room, to find my sister and the other girls standing around.
Mino doesn’t let go, instead leading me forward and pausing, forcing them to come to me in a move of pure purpose. I’ll have to thank him for it later.
Rocklin rolls her shoulders, shuffling in her heels and reaching out for my hand. “You look insane!”
Delta nods, fingers trailing along her necklace. “Bold choice, Boston. I like.”
“You look like a bad bitch, girl.” Bronx nods, eating a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, shoes already kicked off her feet.
“And you look like my every fantasy come to life.” I look left just as Hayze comes around the corner, fresh suit tailored to perfection, yet somehow, he looks even more like the degenerate he is.
Bronx gets stuck staring at him, but only a second before tossing her chips his way, making him jump back in horror. “I told you to wait outside.”
“And your daddy told me to keep you in my sight at all times.” He smirks.
“There’re a hundred fucking guards on these grounds and I can probably outthrow all of them. Fuck off.” She faces me then. “Tell him, Boston. Your house, your rules.”
I go to open my mouth, but Hayze tsks his tongue, holding up his right hand and showing off the massive golden ring sitting onhis finger. My jaw drops and I snap my gaze to Bronx once more. “He’s you’re official guardian now?!”
She groans, growls, then spins, glaring at him. “He’s a glorified babysitter who doesn’t belong.”
“And you’re a fucking brat that needs a solid ass whoopin’,” he seethes.