He saw Aadil’s stance relax a little, and his father’s nod—only Sahir had not yet finished talking.
‘Of course it would have been remiss to send a junior royal to meet with King Abdul. However, Ishallresume my leave on my return.’ He turned the page on his schedule. ‘Let’s move things along.’
Sahir wanted this meeting closed.
There was somewhere else he needed to be.
Oh, why did she always say the wrong thing?
Pria was very prim as she opened the door to the Venus wing. ‘This way, Violet.’
It was bewildering to walk through a palace where love was forbidden. To walk into a suite and be braced for something cold and formal, yet find it was so beautiful her breath caught. The stone walls were a soft blue hue, and gorgeous lights hung like stars.
‘A light supper?’ Pria said.
A small table was dressed with silver and candlelit. It was inviting and opulent and Violet stood there, resisting the urge to saywow. To gape.
‘Wow!’ She couldn’t help it. ‘It’s...’ She looked at the sapphire and silver. ‘So beautiful...’
‘It is the alignments tonight.’ Pria smiled. ‘Prince Sahir thought you might want something to eat.’
‘Thank you.’
‘There are robes and perfumes for you to use, and I have arranged the hammam for you tomorrow, but first I shall take you to breakfast with the Prince. I have to go to the meeting now.’ She gave Violet a lovely smile. ‘You were fine.’
‘I was dreadful.’
‘Oh, no.’ Pria shook her head. ‘You should have heard Sahir when he found out what had happened. And I must say I told both Sahir and the King that I was not happy...’
‘You were very kind to me that day,’ Violet said, and was glad of the chance to thank her.
Pria left then, and Violet slipped off her shoes, thinking of what Sahir had said.
She could stop smiling now.
The supper was welcome, but best of all was the silver tray of chocolates which she put by her bed. She showered and came out wrapped in a towel, wondering if she should have brought the nightdress from the desert.
She pulled open a few doors, but saw nothing to wear, then finally found a cupboard full of gowns—but clearly they were meant for daytime.
She ran her hand down one. It was sapphire-coloured, like the wax catcher on the candelabra, and it was far too stunning to sleep in. But she could hardly sleep in the nude.
A candle might get knocked over, Violet thought, imagining a fire in the night and another awkward encounter with the King.
She pulled it over her naked body.
Oh, it felt like velvet against her skin...
She stared into a long free-standing mirror and saw herself for the first time since the desert... There had only been hand mirrors there.
Her hair was lighter, just from that ride in the sun, but that wasn’t the only change...
She looked at her breasts. She wore no bra, and the sapphire gown clung. Her nipples grew erect just at the memory of that afternoon.
No, she could never be Queen—and not just because of her lack of status.
More because of her love for Sahir and how she ached to see him.
She wondered how they’d be at breakfast...sitting apart, unable to touch.