She pulled her chin down at the sound of her name and smiled at Pria.
‘Bibi will take you to the Venus wing.’
She looked at Sahir, uncertain when she would see him again.
‘Tomorrow we shall take breakfast in the East Garden before I leave, and then you can visit the hammam,’ Sahir told her.
‘Sounds wonderful.’ She smiled. ‘How do I get to the East Garden?’
It was Pria who responded. ‘I shall come and collect you.’ She turned to Sahir. ‘The King is waiting to brief you on the agenda for tomorrow with King Abdul.’
‘Of course.’
He nodded, and then there was a sudden stir—a slight flutter of panic from everyone except Sahir.
It was the arrival of the King.
‘Sahir...’ His father paused abruptly as he locked eyes with their unexpected guest.
Thankfully Violet copied Pria and bowed, grateful for her hurried advice.
‘Respond only if he speaks...just light chit-chat.’
‘Yes...’ Violet breathed, as she came up to stand. At least she was good at that.
‘Sahir, we have a meeting.’ The King’s eyes fell on Violet. ‘Miss Lewis.’
‘Your Majesty...’
‘King Babek,’ he invited. ‘I trust you enjoyed your time in the desert?’
‘Very much,’ Violet said, and heard Aadil’s low voice in her ear telling her to thank him.
Sahir watched as they all waited for Violet’s suitable response. Never had he hated the stilted atmosphere of the palace more. He was tempted to open one of the arched windows and let her escape.
‘The desert was wonderful,’ Violet said. ‘The flight there was a little hair-raising, but apart from that...’
Sahir suppressed a smile, certain that his father would simply stalk off. Yet he remained.
‘You’re from London?’
‘I am.’
Sahir saw Violet’s lips tremble as she smiled, but King Babek had already moved his attention to Sahir.
‘How was Carter’s wedding?’
‘Excellent,’ Sahir said, knowing damn well his father was reminding them both that it had been there that they’d met, and less than a week ago.
‘I have fond memories of London,’ King Babek said, and Sahir almost exhaled in relief. This was the polite, quiet conclusion to his brief greeting.
‘Yes,’ Violet said, clearly missing the signal that the King was about to leave. ‘I saw a gorgeous photo of you there with the Queen.’
Nobody had been moving, but even so Violet felt everyone still. She knew she had spoken out of turn as she saw the King’s eyes flare, and then she realised her mistake.
‘The late Queen,’ she hurriedly corrected, and then with slight horror realised her further mistake. ‘I mean,mylate queen. Queen Elizabeth...’