‘Of course.’

‘So you’re going to get over the bath edge with the same dexterity you showed on the horse yesterday?’

He managed to sound practical even as he dripped sarcasm—enough so that she was cross enough not to blush as he helped her off with her nightgown.

‘I’m so sore...’

‘I know that you are,’ he said. ‘Check the temperature.’

She dipped her hand in and the water felt divine.

There was just one problem. Violet was so sore that she honestly wondered if shecouldget her leg over the edge, even with his help.

Sahir did not even attempt to solve that mystery. He just scooped her up and lowered her, bottom first, into the bath, trying not to remember when they’d bathed together. He recalled her protestations of discomfort that time...when she’d been sore for very different reasons.

‘It’s not funny,’ she said, as he sat on the edge and pondered for a while.

‘I’m not saying a word.’

He was watching her, wondering how it was possible to be this close to another person and to care this much, and yet also be a bit cross with them too, and annoyed with himself.

‘It was foolish,’ he said.

‘Very,’ Violet agreed. ‘And now I can’t move.’

More than that, nor could he move his heart. And he could not close it.

Foolish, indeed.

After he’d let her luxuriate in the warm water for a while he picked her up and carried her to the entrance to her own chamber. He lowered her down.

‘You’ll feel better soon—just move around.’

He gave his best advice and left, but then heard her moans as she tried to put her knickers on.

‘Violet?’ He called out to warn her that he was there. ‘Can I come in?’


‘Where does it hurt?’ he asked.

She was about to sayeverywhere, but the bath had in fact helped.

‘My back...my thighs...’

‘Where else?’

‘My bottom.’ She wasn’t going to tell him about the bits in between. ‘I had no idea. We only walked the horses.’

‘Do you want a massage?’

‘I’m not going to fall for that,’ she shot back.

‘Violet, I am offering to help with your pain, not to bed you.’

‘Bedme...’ she huffed. ‘I should have known you were from the Dark Ages when you said that.’

‘Do you want me to sort out your pain?’