‘What happened?’ he asked.

‘You know damn well.’

‘No, I want to hear it from you. I want to know all that occurred.’

‘I was kidnapped!’ Violet shouted, tossing her wine into the fire and throwing down the goblet—possibly the first person ever to display raw emotion in a royal abode. ‘That’s what “occurred”.’

‘There was a misunderstanding—’ he started, but again she put up her hand.

‘Please don’t,’ Violet interrupted.‘I have three things I would like to say...’

A sound from outside the tent halted her, and as he listened to the sound of the helicopter taking off he knew her planned speech had been thwarted.

‘We shan’t be leaving tonight...’ he began.

Once more she put up her hand to halt him.

‘Then that leaves me with two things I have to say.’ She took a breath, as if running through a speech in her head, then lifted her gaze to his. ‘Do you remember me telling you that this dress is a rental—due back tomorrow?’

Sahir frowned deeply. She had been taken to another country, whisked off to the desert, and she was worried about a dress? Shereallywas like no one he had ever met.

‘Can we not worry about the dress?’

‘Iamworried—and not just about my deposit. I gave them my word that it would be back.’

She was, to his bewilderment, clearly distraught about the gown.

‘It’s for a wedding!’

‘I’ll sort out the damned dress!’ he told her.

‘Oh, you’d better. I won’t have you ruining that woman’s dream day the same way you ruined our night.’

She took a breath, and he knew the damage that had been done. He would rectify that, Sahir swore to himself, but right now he’d deal with her list.

‘What else?’

‘You’re engaged.’

‘Who told you that?’

‘The same man who told me there had been a security breach and we had to leave your house immediately.’

Sahir wanted details, but she told him very little.


‘Aadil.’ His jaw hardened, but his anger would not help matters. ‘Tell me more.’

‘No. Ask the relevant staff. Because I don’t report to you, Sahir.’

She stood so strong, refusing to give him anything—not even a glimpse of the woman who had cried before his eyes, who had laughed and danced in his arms.

‘Especially when you haven’t answered my question. Are you to marry soon?’

‘Apparently so.’

Sahir was not being deliberately evasive, but the mist of panic that had hit him was lifting a little, and while he did not understand all that had occurred, he knew Aadil’s unexpected arrival in London should have been a sign, as well as the fact that the council had been convened.