‘Tanya...’ Violet took a breath, upset that Tanya still held such resentment. ‘It’s Grace’s wedding—’

‘And there you sit, as if butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth.’

It dawned on Violet that Tanya’s resentment was probably because neither she nor her children were at the top table. ‘I honestly think—’

‘There’s nothinghonestabout you, Violet.’

She breathed in sharply, both at the accusation and also at the sudden sound of Sahir’s voice.

‘No need for introductions! You must be Tanya.’ He was being utterly charming, and clearly hadn’t a clue what had just been said. ‘I’ve heard so much about you.’

‘Oh!’ Tanya positively glowed. ‘Yes, I’m Grace’s cousin.’

She turned on her charm for Sahir, and as they stood chatting Violet left them to it and took a seat back at the table. She felt silly all of a sudden, wondering if she’d misread the closeness they had shared. Was he simply suave and delicious with everyone?

The night was winding down, and she rummaged in her bag for her phone, to call a taxi.

Two accusations in one day were just too much, and Grace would barely notice if she was gone... She just wanted to slip away.

‘Hey.’ Sahir was beside her. ‘Where are you going?’

‘I think I’ve had enough.’

‘We’re supposed to wave them off.’

‘You don’t wave,’ she reminded him, but then her shoulders slumped. Of course she had to stay to the end. ‘I’ll head off after the happy couple leave.’

‘Do you need a break?’

Violet nodded. ‘I might just nip to the ladies’.’ Though knowing her luck another blast from her past would be in there. ‘Or just sit somewhere else.’

‘I have a key.’ He showed it to her.

‘To where?’

‘There’s a courtyard near the main kitchen.’

She frowned. ‘Why would you have a key to that?’

‘In case there’s an issue.’

‘Or in case you want to go for a snog?’

She made him laugh. She was direct, and funny, but also, he understood, suddenly wounded and sad.

‘No, it’s because...’ God, he did not want to explain the complexities of his life—he wanted to escape them. But thankfully Violet came up with her own reason.

‘Because you’re the best man?’

‘Yes!’ He nodded, content with that explanation. ‘I asked for the gifts to be locked up out there.’ He told her a part of the truth. ‘Cousin Tanya’s children were trying to open them. Take it...go and have a little break. You’ve done incredibly well.’


‘Here.’ He handed her the key. ‘Take your time.’

‘I don’t know...’

‘Do you want me to come?’ he offered, and before she could give any response, spoke on. ‘For that talk?’