She was the only one here who knew his true feelings on cricket, Violet realised. And itthrilledher to share in a tiny secret. So much so that beneath the table she pressed her knee against his leg and he pressed back.

She wasn’t flirting, and nor was he—it was just a moment shared, Violet thought as the groom moved his speech on.

‘I’ve attended several weddings, where—as many of you have reminded me—I’ve repeatedly stated that you’ll never be getting an invitation to mine.’ His voice moved from light-hearted to reflective. ‘But then I met Grace, and everything changed...’

‘Please...’ Violet muttered, but for Sahir’s ears only.

‘Violet,’ Sahir warned. ‘He’s about to toast you.’

Whew! Just in time she pushed out a smile as everyone raised their glasses.

‘To the bridesmaid!’

Then, with Carter’s speech over, it was time for some slushy words from Grace. Violet felt anxious as she watched her friend give her heart to him in front of everyone. So much so that as the speech drew to a close she found she was twisting the white napkin in her hand.

‘Carter,’ Grace said to her husband, ‘I’m so excited to take this journey with you.’

Violet could hear the adoration in Grace’s voice and it worried her—because Grace seemed to be entering this marriage with a heart brimming with hope. Yes, Grace was strong—after all, she’d been through a lot with her mother—but life had taught Violet to be tough, toexpectto be let down, and she was terrified that her friend was about to be.

But then she felt Sahir’s hand come over her own, in a gentle prompt that she was letting her suspicions show, and she put down the napkin.

‘You seem to think he’s playing her,’ Sahir whispered, making the hairs in her ears tickle. ‘Have you considered it might be the other way around?’

‘Not for a second.’

‘Perhaps they are both happy with their choice?’

‘I hope so.’ Violet nodded. ‘I really do. And if that is the case...’ She met his eyes. ‘Perhaps you ought to mention...’ She swallowed, loath to give this suave man any advice.

As if he’d take it!

As Sahir stood and took the microphone a deep hush descended. The guests had been still and quiet for the bride and groom, but there was something about Sahir that had the waiters stopping, the bar staff too. He commanded the room.

‘Good evening,’ he stated, and looked to the intimate gathering. ‘Most of you I already know, or we’ve been introduced tonight, but for those I haven’t met I am Sahir, a long-time friend of the groom.’

He got the formalities out of the way—complimenting the bride, accepting the toast to the bridesmaid, and Violet duly raised her glass. She was curious to hear him speak. He told the guests how he and Carter had shared a dormitory at boarding school. How some summers Carter had joined his family in Janana.

He said nothing to embarrass the groom or his bride. It was rather formal and really a very polished speech. Still, Sahir’s voice made her toes curl. It was heaven to have an excuse to look at him properly, even if she could only really see his back as he turned to address the bride and groom.

His suit was perfection. It skimmed his broad shoulders and contoured his torso and moved as he spoke. His hair too was immaculate, cut into the nape of his long neck...

Then she heard a slight shift to his tone.

‘Before we came to the restaurant this evening I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs Josephine Andrews—Grace’s mother.’ He looked directly at Grace. ‘It was wonderful that she could share in this day.’

Violet watched as Grace pressed her lips together and nodded, clearly moved that her mother had been properly named and mentioned.

‘And, Carter...’

Violet found she was holding her breath.

‘I never met your parents, but from all I have heard about them Sophie and Gordon would have been thrilled to be here today.’ He looked right at Carter. ‘I am your oldest friend, and I’m proud to be your best man, although I wish—as you must—that this speech was being delivered by Hugo.’

Violet watched as Carter briefly looked down and reached for Grace’s hand, before everyone raised a glass to the people missing tonight.

It was the first time Violet had truly considered that this love might be real.

Just as that thought formed, Sahir moved his speech to a close, ending it on an upbeat note. ‘I believed Carter when he said he’d never marry.’ There was laughter all round. ‘It is good to prove him a liar...’ He raised a glass. ‘To Grace and Carter—we all wish you every happiness.’