She felt sick, literally nauseous, every time she thought of that horrible morning.

Don’t think of it.

Today was a big day. Not only did she finally have a meeting scheduled with Bernadette Garnier, but Lexi’s new lawyer would walk into Hadley’s office this afternoon and present her brother with the one-two punch of informing him that she was leaving as a client and also wanted to sell her share in the agency. Hadley had the right of first refusal, but she knew for a fact that her leaving the roster would impact the agency’s value, especially if bad press followed.

Hadley had a decision to make. Did he want to sign an NDA and settle things quietly? Or cause them both to suffer financially by making it public that she was leaving? She had a very unflattering statement prepared on how poorly he’d treated her. He would want to think twice about starting a PR war.

At this point, Lexi didn’t care how much money she came away with, so long as she was free. She hated herself for trusting Hadley as long as she had. It undermined her confidence in herself and her own decisions.

She also hated that she had Magnus to thank for bringing Vijay’s shrewd assessment into the picture. It meant that she couldn’t paint Magnus as a heartless villain and absolve herself of responsibility for their night together.

No, she’d been a very willing participant and she was a weak-minded fool for wishing she could have had more time with him.

With a frustrated groan, she left her walk-in closet, startled to find her mother setting up at the dressing table.

“What’s wrong?” Rhonda asked.

“Nothing. I didn’t realize you were here already.” Lexi threw a handful of blouse selections onto the bed.

“Are you nervous?” Her mother waved at the seat. “Is that why you called me to do your makeup instead of using Sharla? You’re going to be great, doll. You always land these things.”

Not true, but Rhonda had never let Lexi wallow in discouragement. She was a faithful cheerleader, but she had also pushed her daughter too hard from too early an age.

“I hadn’t seen you lately,” Lexi prevaricated. “This was a good excuse to catch up.” And she no longer trusted Sharla, who was yet another technician booked through the agency.

Lexi hadn’t told her mother she was leaving X-Calibur. Rhonda still had a lot of ill will against Lexi’s father. Lexi had learned a long time ago not to bring up her father’s family at all with her mother if she could help it.

“How are things with Wayne?” she asked instead, listening as Rhonda complained about the car her boyfriend had bought her. He was twenty years her senior and had a very nice house in Malibu that her mother had moved into. Her mother had always known how to take care of herself.

“Why are you so pale?” Rhonda asked as she blended the foundation across Lexi’s forehead and cheeks.

“I can’t even go onto the balcony for sun. There was a drone out there the other day.”

“Hmm. Well, I don’t want you to look like you’re trying too hard. I’m using a light hand. Wear the pink top.” She flickered her gaze to the bed. “That will put some color into your face. But if I didn’t know better...” She turned Lexi’s face in each direction, expression concerned.

“What?” Lexi demanded.

“Nothing.” Her mother dug through her case for a different brush. “You said it was only a dance. I believe you. You haven’t been seeing anyone else, have you?” She slid a sideways look at Lexi.

“Like a man? I’m not pregnant, Mom!” Lexi didn’t have to act shocked. It genuinely hadn’t occurred to her. They had used condoms.

“Good. I did my time with a baby on set. I won’t go back to it.” Her mother worked on her eyes, sweeping contouring strokes and colors over her closed eyelids. “The baby would be a prince or something, wouldn’t it? Think of the security you’d need! And custody? You know how ugly things became with your father.”

“Mom.” She caught her mother’s hand. “Please. Trust me. I’m not pregnant.” Absolutely not. It couldn’t happen. No, no, no.

But even her wildly unpredictable cycle had never gone a full two months without showing up.

A cold sweat took hold in Lexi’s lower back as she realized she hadn’t had a period since before Paris.

She couldn’t be pregnant, though. Magnus had used condoms.

And he really would hate her if that happened.

I have a vested interest...

It took all her control to pretend she wasn’t dizzy and clammy while her mother finished her makeup and did her hair.

“Break a leg, baby.” Her mother kissed the air near her cheek. “Text me later, tell me how it goes.”