‘You pour it back into my palm,’ Sahir said. ‘If you want this to continue.’

‘If I wantwhatto continue?’ Violet frowned.

Oh, what the hell?

She poured it into his palm and ground it in. And then she threw it away and kissed him, because those lips were irresistible.


He moved to peel her back, but their time apart meant that was impossible, and he kissed her back so hard, so deeply, that she was sinking. And then she was being carried to a bed and kissed again. And it still felt like home because soon she was being made love to, her violet gown ruched around her waist and pulled down at the top, being kissed all over...

Being made love to by Sahir was what made it feel like home.

‘You made me wait a week...’ She smiled over to him.

‘I had to source this.’

He reached over and opened a drawer. She saw a gorgeous polished wood box with a beautiful clasp.

‘Purple diamonds are very rare.’

‘Violet,’ she corrected.

‘Violet diamonds are even rarer.’

The ring was absolutely exquisite, almost in the shape of a heart, and he slipped it on her finger. But she was crying, and a little cross.

‘You put me through hell for a week to get this? You could have called the library, or...’

He kissed her nose.

‘It’s complicated when a prince chooses his bride. I had to go to the desert for deep reflection—even though my decision was already made. Even though the council already approved.’

‘The council approves?’

‘They know I will not hide, and they know I will not take this lightly, so they agreed I could select the sand for our wedding.’

‘I don’t understand...’

‘The sand you just threw...’ He kissed her mouth. ‘We have to find every grain.’

Her eyes widened.

‘Will you marry me, Violet?’ He put his hand up before she could answer. ‘Before you say yes or no, know that if you accept then one day you will be Queen.’

‘On one condition,’ she said.

‘It’s a yes or no answer.’

‘On one condition,’ she said again, and stated her demand.

‘That’s never happened before.’ He shook his head as she lay there silent. ‘I can’t see it working...’

‘I can,’ Violet said.

‘Very well.’ He nodded.

‘Then I would love to be your wife.’