He groaned and angled his head, then slid his hands down to her ass, picking her up so she wrapped her legs around his waist.
“How much time do we have?” he asked against her cheek.
“You told her not to disturb us. There’s enough milk in the freezer to buy us a few hours.”
“I should show more finesse,” he said as he cleared his desk with a sweep of his arm and pressed her back onto it. “But I hate fighting with you. I need tofeelyou, to know we’re okay.”
They barely undressed. Her slacks were thrown over a chair and her underwear was still dangling off her ankle when she hugged his ribs with her knees.
His entry stung. She wasn’t completely ready for him, but he paused and kissed his apology onto the tip of her nose.
“I’m rushing you.”
“It’s makeup sex. I want to feel connected to you.” She tugged his hair free of its band so it fell around her face.
He braced on his elbow, fingertips caressing her temple and cheekbone and the corner of her mouth while he seemed to memorize her features.
“I thought I was losing you,” he admitted in a whisper. “I lost everyone I loved before and loving them wasn’t enough. I need to know I’m giving you enough, Lexi.”
“You do.” She finished opening his shirt and ran her hands beneath it, mapping his bare shoulders. “I thought this was all we had, but we have so much more now. And it makes this even better.”
“It does,” he agreed. As he withdrew and returned, a wicked smile curved his lips. “I like watching your eyes haze like that.”
“I like how safe you make me feel, even when you’re burning down my world.” She wrapped her thighs around his waist and arched, inviting the act. The energy of his powerful thrusts.
“I will spend the rest of my life making you sigh like that,” he growled.
“Promise,” she gasped.
“On my life.”
They stopped talking, too caught up in the pleasure they were giving each other. And soon, the inferno engulfed them.
One month later...
Crowds had been pouring into Isleif for days. People of all ages lined the streets from the palace to the parliament building where Magnus would be declared king.
Security forces had been beefed up with help from allies, particularly the ones who were attending the coronation. It would not be a long ceremony, but every detail had been choreographed to the millisecond.
Their car arrived at the end of the red carpet that led into the building. A deafening roar rose around them as they left the car and walked the short distance into the building. Magnus had always been incredibly popular and, here in Isleif at least, Lexi grew more adored by the day.
Inside, cameras broadcast their short procession, flashing to Queen Katla seated with Sorr, holding Rolf who had the good manners to remain soundly asleep. They were flanked by Magnus’s family, including his father, and Rhonda, who still wore an expression of astonishment that her daughter was becoming a queen.
After the formal declaration of Magnus as king, they would travel in a slow parade back to the palace for a full day of celebration. There would be a reception for various local dignitaries, a state dinner for the foreign ones and a midnight ball. The day had been declared a national holiday, so events were planned across the country. Every club, arena, pub and local diner would be packed.
“Magnus,” Lexi whispered as the prime minister made his opening remarks. “You’re shaking.” He normally had nerves of steel.
His expression was the contained one that was difficult to read, but he flashed her a glance, allowing her to glimpse what was in his eyes. In his soul.
He leaned close to say in her ear, “I’ve always dreaded this day because I thought I would have to face it alone. But I have you.” He picked up her hand and kissed the finger that held her wedding band. “Thank you for being here. Today and in my life. I love you.”
He was going to make her cry and she’d taken such care with her makeup.
“I love you, too.” The clip of her lips shaping those words would become a GIF shared millions of times around the world, but in those moments, they were spoken by a wife to her husband with the utmost sincerity.
Then the prime minister turned to Magnus and recognized them as, “King Magnus of Isfeild and Queen Alexandra.”