Ah, so she wasn’t sure about this union either!

‘Here comes Grace,’ Carter said, and Sahir watched as the single bridesmaid in this very small celebration turned her smile back on like a light.

‘Grace,’ Carter said, ‘this is Sahir.’

Well, the bride wasn’t quite the gold-digger he’d been expecting. She looked sweet and natural.

Sahir was not being cold in his expectations. Not only was he aware of the financial implications of this union, his status meant that at several weddings he’d attended Sahir had been placed in the awkward situation of dealing with a bride determined to flirt—and not with her groom.

Indeed! It was, at times, quite perilous being a prince.

‘It’s so lovely to meet you, Your... Sahir.’ Grace’s smile wavered, and he knew Carter would have warned her not to reveal his status. She was clearly unsure how to proceed. ‘Carter told me you’ve worked on a lot of projects together.’

‘Indeed...’ Sahir nodded.

‘We’ll only be spending a few moments in there,’ Grace explained. ‘Mum seems good today, but she can get a little confused.’

‘I understand.’

Grace turned her attention to Violet then. ‘Oh, you look incredible! Your dress...’ Her jubilation faded when she saw the parcel Violet held. ‘We said no gifts.’

‘You did,’ Violet agreed, and Sahir blinked as she went on to elaborate. ‘Honestly—it’s really the most annoying thing to find on a wedding invitation. As if I wasn’t going to buy you a present!’

‘We meant it,’ Grace said. ‘There’s nowhere to put it.’

Sahir saw she really was a bundle of nerves as she tried to hand Violet a spray of flowers.

‘And you have to hold these...’

‘Here,’ Sahir offered, and relieved Violet of the box. ‘I’ll keep it in my car.’

He did so, placing her gift next to his. To his own surprise, curiosity got the better of him and he briefly peeked at the attached tag.

Violet’s message was far more effusive than his!

Something aboutsoulmates...eternal happiness...

Yet for all Violet’s written hopes for them, as he returned to the small party the bridesmaid seemed reluctant to go in.

‘Grace,’ she said to her friend, ‘why don’t I just wait out here?’

‘But I want you in the photos. The photographer’s already inside.’

‘I do tend to upset her, though.’ Violet lifted her hand in a wavering gesture. ‘Perhaps we can just have photos of us outside? Or at the restaurant later?’

‘Violet, she won’t even recognise you—she barely even knows who I am now.’

Sahir’s curiosity was piqued—why wouldn’t Violet want to be recognised?

‘Ready?’ Carter checked, and Grace took a breath and nodded.

It really was a rather odd function...

The couple walked ahead, and as he held the door open Violet stepped in, all smiles as the photographer clicked away.

‘Gosh, I thought we’d have a moment to...’ Violet muttered, more to herself than him, as they stood outside a lounge room where the small celebration was taking place.

As the bride and groom walked in to the oohs and ahs of the residents he looked away from the happy couple to the bridesmaid.