Page 89 of Bloodlust

"Listen, Romeo," I say, taking a stabilizing breath as he calls me the fuck out. "I don't have time for these Shakespearean games, okay? It's almost midnight. I can't be late."

He runs an annoyed hand through his hair, grunting. "Are you taking back up?"

"Yes," I lie. "Of course."

"Camilla..." He frowns with disapproval. "Take someone."

"I can't," I say, sighing. "I've weaved a very tangled web, Doc." I lick my lips as I scan his hardened features. "A web of lies. This is what happens when you lie, Hayden. You're left with no choice but to be alone."

His lip twitches. "I'll go then."

"And blow this whole thing?" I scoff. "I don't think so." I nod at the case files on his desk. "Stay here and figure out the problem, okay? I'll come back when it's done."

"It could be a trap," he notes as I grab my jacket and head toward the door. "You need to be vigilant."

"Yeah," I mutter, looking over my shoulder at him, my heart heavy. "Wouldn't be the first trap I fell into, would it?"

Lulu's Diner is a dump.

Grimy. Rundown. Tattered.

And full of rats.

Rats the size of humans.

We've had our fair share of rats throughout the years. It's always a nuisance. My father was a bit sadistic. He liked to play games with the rats. He said that death was never enough. A little torment before the lights go out. That's The Angels' way.

The Dragons however? They don't play with rats.

They tie them to a chair and place them in the center of the room under a top lamp.

It's unimaginative, but at least they're not asking me to hunt vermin. My stomach seizes as Wei Zhao guides me closer to the rat on death row. Young. He is so fucking young. Like Zoey.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Zhao says as we step into the basement. Seven armed men greet us with a slight bow. "I'd like to introduce you to everyone." The lights flicker as he looks around the room, all his men emotionless. "This is Camilla Bianco, a soon-to-be honorary Dragon. Camilla," he looks at me, "these are my brothers."

"Gentlemen," I say, maintaining strict eye contact. There are fourteen guns in this room and only one exit. Noted. "Pleasure." I frown as a young woman shimmies herself through two burly men and strides toward us, one of her eyes slightly more swollen than the other. "Oh..."

"You remember my fiancée?" Zhao aggressively grabs Hazel by the waist and latches his thin lips to hers. Then he slaps her ass. Hard. She flinches. "Hazel, say hello to our new friend."

"Hi," she whispers, the sound barely audible as she adjusts her sleeves. Bruises. "Nice to see you again, Camilla."

"You too," I say, the temptation to pistol whip Zhao over the head growing stronger by the second.

"Let's get to it then, yeah?" Zhao claps his hands as he stalks toward the young boy who is tied to a plastic chair. "Danny, Danny, Danny." He clicks his tongue, circling the rat, every click matched with a slam on the face. My pulse races at the name, air catching in mythroat. "Talk about the wrong place at the wrong time, eh?"

I blink, swallowing. "What did...Danny do?"

Zhao digs his fingers into Danny's shoulder blades, the kid yelps from the pain, tears in his eyes. "Danny here walked in on a deal, didn't you, Danny boy?" The kid begins weeping. Zhao raises his voice. "Answer me!"

"Yes," Danny cries, struggling under the restraints.

"Yeah..." Zhao taunts, spitting as he adds, "And then what did you do?" Danny doesn't talk. Just cries. So many tears. Nausea creeps up the back of my throat as Zhao slaps him across the face. "Speak!"

"I-I told..." Danny whimpers, sniffling. "I told the police and?—"

"And you got my cousin fucking arrested!" Zhao roars, face turning red. He squeezes Danny's cheeks with one hand, making the kid pout. "I feel sorry for your mama. She didn't know she birthed a fucking snitch."

"Please." Danny whimpers. "I'm sorry! I didn't?—"