"Oh really?" He gives me a confrontational glare as pushes himself off the wall. I gasp as his arm lurches forward, his fingers finding my sex.
"Oh fuck," I let out an ecstatic moan as he rubs my clit, a stray finger dipping inside me. "Faster."
"Quid pro quo, Camilla," Hayden states in a grunt, slowing down as he nods at my loose grip on his cock. "Well?"
I can see why some kings have their queens murdered.
And vice fucking versa.
"Fuck’s sake," I grumble, rolling my eyes as I continue giving him an aggressive hand job.
The annoyance lingers for only a second though as Hayden plunges his fingers inside me, his thumb circling my clit. My eyes roll again, but this time, I'm not pissed. No. I'm fucking flying.
Our deepening pants bounce around the steamy bathroom, our free hands scratching skin, pulling hair, roaming, ravaging, relishing in the heady, hedonistic, and hellish game of tit-for-fucking-tat.
"I'm coming," I cry, my core clenching as I squirt all over his pillaging fingers. "Oh my God!"
"Fuck," he grunts, gritting his teeth, chest rapidly rising and falling as his cock pulses in my hand. Warm, sticky jizz shoots onto my stomach as he orgasms. "Holy fuck."
After several seconds of quiet recuperation, he reaches out, pulling me flush against his wet body, chuckling deliciously against my forehead.
"As fun as that was..." He cups my cheek, tilting my head back and scanning my sated features. "Next time, Miss Bianco, perhaps we should establish who's calling the shots.” He pauses, licking his plump, pink lips. "Hmm?"
"Next time?" I smirk, raising a brow. "I didn't scare you off?"
"No." He lets out an airy snort. "But I can't say I've ever donethisbefore," he says. "However, I wouldn't be opposed to taking a step back...once in a while."
"Once in a while?" I give him a tiny scowl. "I was thinking more like fifty-fifty."
"That's a big ask," he notes, pushing a stray wet hair out of my face. "How about seventy-thirty?"
I frown. "Sixty-forty."
"Sixty-five, thirty-five," he sighs. "Final offer."
"No deal." I cross my arms, glaring up at him. "Back to fifty-fifty."
He takes a long labored breath, closing his eyes. "You're impossible, Camilla."
"True." I toss him a coy shrug. "But you seem to like the challenge."
"I do," he whispers, slowly opening his eyes. A slight frown mars his brows as he swallows, adding in an almost hesitant tone, "Why don't we discuss this over dinner tonight?"
I blink. "Dinner?"
"Yes." He clears his throat, turning off the shower. "It's a meal typically consumed in the evening." I hand him a towel as we step onto the raggedy bathroom rug. "Well?" he asks, drying himself off. "Will you have dinner with me?" Another pause as he meets my wary gaze, his own guarded. "There are a few things I think we need to discuss."
"Are you going to fire me as your patient now?" I wrap the cotton towel around my chest and lower my voice. "Worried I'll rat you out to the board?"
He gives me a weak smile as he sighs, scanning my face. "No, I don't think you would."
My lips twist up in fake contemplation. "Fine, I suppose I could have dinner with you."
"Yousuppose?" He quirks up a brow. "How romantic."
I tilt my head. "Is that what you want? Romance?"