I glance over my shoulder at Hayden, swallowing. "And?"
"Thank you," I say, shutting the door.
"Well?" Hayden asks, fear muddling his tone.
"She said yes," I whisper, staring off into the distance.
Hayden laces his fingers through mine, giving my hand a squeeze. "And you're sure?"
"It's the only way," I whisper, my future fading with every breath.
"I don't like this," he says, once again bringing me into his arms. "We can stop this. It's not too late."
"It is." I close my eyes, breathing in his scent, my lungs filling with longing regret. "It's too late."
Itistoo late.
The wall is gone.
And so am I.
Chapter 27
Four days. Ninety-six hours. Five thousand, seven hundred, and sixty minutes.
That's how much time I have left until everything changes. Until everything I've ever known disappears. Until there's no going back. It's done. The pieces are laid and sealed.
As is my fate.
My father told me that change should be welcomed, that nothing ever remains the same, nothing is constant. I've known this my whole life, but I'm slowly realizing that it only applies to humans, to emotions, to the circumstances and thoughts that make up our whole existence.
All the changes in my life have been at the hand of someone else. Controlled and crafted to ensure that I follow a certain path, that my life, the only one I have, is never really mine.
I'm changing that. I'm finally taking control and deciding that, perhaps, we don't get only one life. We getas many as we choose to live. If we choose to live. If we're granted that gift.
I close my eyes, basking in the warmth of the sun and the light, gentle breeze that's flowing through my hair. There's freedom in the wind. I feel its power, its carefree energy. It's soothing, like a whisper from the heavens. It's drowning the bustling noise of Whitehill Terminal, muting all the voices, letting me know that, at this moment, there is nothing to fear.
My cell phone rings again and I squeeze my eyes shut tighter.There is nothing to fear. I am safe. I am protected. I am safe.My phone keeps ringing. I know it won't stop.Hewon't stop. He needs to stop.
"Hello?" I say with a sigh.
"You've been avoiding me," Hayden says, his hoarse tone a clear indication that he's as tired as I am. I don't reply as I have nothing to say, no lies on the tip of my tongue. "Camilla..." He lets out a long, troubled breath, and my own lungs expand with fear, once again. "Say something..." He pauses. "Please."
"I'm going to Staten Island," I whisper, glancing over the orange ferry. "It's Zoey's birthday today." I swallow, checking my phone for the time. "She should be here soon."
"Cami..." Hayden sighs and I can almost see the disappointment in his eyes. "I... I think we need to talk about what happens after?—"
"There's nothing to talk about, Hayden," I say, adjusting my sunglasses. "It'll all be over soon and we'll both... We'll both wake up in different worlds."
"You can't run from this, Camilla," he says. "I know Ifucked up but I'm trying here..." He softens his tone as if words will somehow change circumstance. "What I feel for you?—"
"Stop." My heart clenches in my chest as I bite my lip.Don't cry."Please just stop, okay? I can't... I can't do this, Hayden." I can't lose something if I never had it to begin with. "Just let it go, okay? I'm not—" I swallow. "I don't hate you, okay? I don't." A tear rolls down my cheek, and I wipe it away quickly before anyone notices. "I forgive you, I just?—"
"You're afraid," he observes astutely. "I understand, Camilla. I do but?—"