Page 80 of Bloodlust

"Patience, Doctor," I coo, pulling out my chair as I sit opposite him. My hand slips into my pocket, and I gently pull out the pistol, placing it on my lap as I lean forward. "This place is nice. You did well. I was half expecting a dive bar again."

"You think so little of me, Camilla." Hayden expels a soft laugh, his lying eyes glimmering with amusement. My name never felt so dirty. "I wanted to do this properly. Somewhere you'd feel..." He nods at the server who pours us each a glass of red wine. Turning back to face me, he continues, "Somewhere you'd feel comfortable."

"Do what?" With my left hand, I bring the glass of wine to my lips and take a slow sip, maintaining direct eye contact with the doc. Placing the glass back down, I lick my lips. He watches. He always watches. He's paid to be observant. It's his job. "Hmm?"

"I—" He clears his throat, casting me a darkened look before staying quiet in pensive thought. I tilt my head, impatiently waiting for more lies to spill out his pretty little mouth. "I wanted to talk to you about something. I wanted to tell you that I?—"

"What is it, Doctor Malcolm?" I whisper, my expression hardening as I coil my fingers around the gun, my thumb hovering over the hammer. Hayden casts me apuzzled look as he feels my demeanor morph into something dark, something no longer flirtatious. "Or should I say..." The ambient melody playing from the recessed speakers of Blue Lagoon doesn't cover up the sound of the pistol cocking. His eyes widen as I spit out, "AgentMalcolm." He opens his mouth. I shush him. No more lies. "Listen to me carefully, Agent. I have a .22 pointeddirectlyat your dick right now. If I were you, I'd keep that mouth shut, understand?"

Hayden's jaw locks, features muddled with conflict, and perhaps even a smidgen of fear. I've never seen fear look so small before. No matter. He should be scared. His last breath is imminent.

"Are you wearing a wire?" I ask in a whisper. He shakes his head slightly. I manage a smile. "Really? A shame, huh? Didn't think I'd catch on?"

"Camilla, I?—"

"I said no talking," I grunt, my fingers tingling as I force myself to not be affected by the sound of his hoarse voice. "This is what's going to happen." I nod at the back exit. "You're going to stand up, nice and slow, and head toward those doors. I'm going to follow you. If you try to run, I will shoot you without a second thought. Is that clear?" Hayden swallows, looking around the restaurant. I let out an airy snort as I make eyes with the maitre d’ who turns around immediately. "They're on my payroll, Agent. You should've known that when you picked this place." I stand up, hiding the gun with my purse. "Shall we?"

"Where are you taking me?" Hayden asks, standing up as he walks toward the exit.

"What part ofno talkingdon't you understand?" I ask, following behind him. Hayden swings open the back door, a draft blowing through our hair. I notice the SUV parked a few yards to the right. I nod in the direction. "To the car."

Hayden spins around, the dim flickering alley lights illuminating his face as he finds my pained eyes. "I can tell that this is hurting you," he whispers. "I can?—"

"Walk," I demand, gritting my teeth as I extend my arm, threatening him with death. "Now." Hayden sighs, shoulders slumped in...defeat? Wounded pride, more likely. I ignore the gnawing feeling in my stomach as we reach the car, pushing away the budding hurt he so easily identified. "Get in."

Silently, Hayden slides into the vehicle, frowning at Zoella, who's white as a ghost.

"Where are we going?" she asks timidly, starting the car as I slam my door shut. She flashes Hayden an almost apologetic glance, the emotion vanishing as she meets my cold stare. "Well?"

"The marina," I state, shifting my weight so that I'm facing Hayden. He cocks his head as I add, "Too bad there aren't any sharks in the Hudson River. Would've been a rather poetic way to die, wouldn't it, Doc?"

"Is that your plan, Camilla?" Hayden asks as Zoey pulls out onto the main road. He scratches his dark stubble. "You're going to kill me?"

"What choice do I have?" I ask with a flippant shrug. "You've become a mess. It's my responsibility to clean you up."

"Killing me won't stop the investigation," Haydennotes. My heart clenches. Heisa fed. It's all been a lie. "If anything, it'll expedite the entire thing."

"You have nothing on us," I state. "If you did, I'd already be in handcuffs."

"If we have nothing, then why kill me, Camilla?" Hayden asks, raising a subtle brow. "What purpose does that serve?" He licks his lips. "Perhaps...perhaps it's about pride? About..."

"No more talking," I spit, glancing at Zoey. "Drive faster."

Zoella speeds up, and the murky, congested air in the car thickens as we approach the marina.

How much does he know? How much did I really tell him? Nothing concrete, right? Nothing of real value. I spilled no secrets. The Angels should be safe. Well, as far as I'm concerned. But if The Council ever found out that I've been infiltrated, that I let in a fucking pig, they'd vote me out. That is definite grounds for an ousting.

"Get out slowly," I instruct Hayden as we pull up to the marina. "Go."


"I said go," I state, nudging him with the gun as I follow him out of the car. I look at a frightened Zoella. "Circle the block and wait for me, understand?"


I slam the car door before she has time to talk me out of doing something my brain and heart are battling against.

"I understand that you're angry, Camilla," Hayden begins as we walk down the swaying dock, his backturned to me. "This is not how I wanted this evening to go."