Page 68 of Bloodlust

Most memories fade like cheap, plated gold.

Insignificant. Irrelevant. Inconsequential.

But other memories? The expensive ones? Those stand the test of time.

Those memories, the precious and the priceless, they're stored. They're hidden behind sturdy walls, buried deep under thick soil, locked up behind impenetrable glass.

I keep those memories in the dark. Every day I force myself to forget, fearing they'll be retrieved, relived,remembered.

For five years I've kept his ghost at bay but as I run my trembling fingers through the lifeless fur of Pinto, I'm haunted by the past.

By what should have been my future.

No. Please, no.

"Hi, is this seat taken?" I glance to my right, craning my neck up to find the kindest green eyes looking down at me.Holy crap, I freaking love college. Clearing my throat, I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear as I timidly shake my head. The boy smiles as I slide over my microbiology textbook. He sits down, placing his phone on the desk. "Did I miss anything?" he whispers.

"N-no," I choke out in a harsh murmur. Oh God, seriously? Get it together. "Just some syllabi stuff, nothing too exciting."

"Speak for yourself." He grins at me with a coy shrug. "I happen to find the syllabus riveting."

"Oh..." I blink, unable to stop myself from zoning in on his perfect lips. "Huh."

He chuckles, holding out his hand. "I'm Daniel."

"What?" I ask, meeting his glimmering eyes. "Oh!" I let out an embarrassed giggle, nervously taking his hand in mine. "I'm Cami."

"Cami," he says with a smile, holding my gaze. "Pretty."

"Thanks," I blush, biting my lip. A text notification pops up on his phone, lighting up his screen. My eyes widen, and I pout at the screen saver. "Is that your dog?"

"Yeah! His name's Pinto." Daniel rotates his phone so I have a better angle. "I rescued him a year ago from a fighting ring."

"They still have those?" I frown, my heart hurting. "Poor baby."

"Yeah, it's disgusting," Daniel says with a sour scowl. "World's full of monsters that would do anything for a buck."

"You're not wrong," I say, sighing. Don't I know it. "He looks happy though, right?" I tilt my head. "You saved him."

Daniel chuckles. "Think he saved me actually."

"Really?" I ask. "How?"

"How about I tell you after class?" Daniel suggests, nodding at the professor. "Don't wanna miss the most exciting part of the semester."

I roll my eyes. "Fine."

He shoots me a wink. "It's a date."

"Please wake up," I whisper into Pinto's fur, my eyes glossing over, a flood of tears on the verge of spilling. "Please!"

"He likes you," Daniel comments, passing me the wet stick. I chuck it down the field. "See? I told you he would."

I snort. "It only took a year and like a bazillion treats."

Daniel laughs, wrapping his arm around my shoulder as he kisses my temple. "He'd be an idiot not to like you." He looks down at me, grinning. "Papa didn't raise no fool."

I facepalm. "God, you're cringe."