Page 50 of Bloodlust

Reshaped. Reformed.


I rose from his ashes and became the thing he loathed the most. I became a purveyor of punishment. An empress of evil. A duchess of debauchery. I became the judge. The jury. And the executioner. But moreimportantly, I unintentionally became someone with nothing to lose if everything was taken from her.

All because of a choice, and the programming that followed.

Since that day, the sky's been the limit.

Until now.

"Have you told your dad about Alba's idea?" Zoey asks, sitting on the other side of my glass desk, a computer perched on her lap. She continues typing and adds, "Maybe he'd have a solution."

"I'm keeping my father out of this until I decide what to do," I say, slowly rotating a vodka martini on the table as muted trance music floats through my office at the club. "I need to figure this out on my own. He left me in charge for a reason. I can't go crying to him every time something goes wrong."

"Well, you only have two options, Cami." Zoey looks up, chewing the inside of her cheek. "At least that narrows things down, right?"

"Fuck." I throw my head back and rest my neck on the edge of the velvet armchair as I hike my feet up on the desk. "I can't believe this is happening. There's no way The Council will agree to partner with The Dragons on this." I sigh, closing my eyes and thinking out loud. "Or maybe they would...if I frame it like an alliance? I could argue that since Wei Zhao appears to be putting all his assets into rebuilding the North American faction, it would be smart to stay out of their line of fire, right?" I force my head upright as I look at Zoey. "Right?"

"That would work," Zoey mutters, concentrating on her computer screen. "You've convinced me."

"Zoey!" I snap, jerking up as I glare at her. "Pay attention, this is more important than whatever it is you're doing on that thing!"

"Okay, sorry." She closes the laptop. "I'm just working on a new program, it's almost done."

"I don't care!" I slam my elbows on the desk, dropping my head into my hands. "We need a solution, and we need one now."

"You still have a few weeks, right?" Zoey asks in a calm tone, sensing my budding distress. "It's not like you need to decide tomorrow." She pauses, gaze shifting to the floor as she whispers, "You could always go with option A."

"What was that?" I whip my head at her, glowering. "Option A? Seriously?"

"I'm just saying." Zoey sighs, giving me an apologetic smile. "Seems easier than B."

"Easier?" I scoff. "Chaining myself down for all of eternity is easier?" I let out an incredulous laugh. "Your definition of easy is shockingly different from mine."

"It could just be a paper marriage," Zoey suggests innocently. "Purely for business. People do it all the time, Cami."

"I know how an arranged marriage works, Zoella!" I down the rest of the martini. "It's not the act itself that I have an issue with, it's the principle of the matter!"

"The principle?" Zoey frowns. "What do you mean?"

"Zoey," I whisper, clicking my tongue, a faint sense of jealousy pricking my heart. "How do younotget it? If I marry a manjustto prove toother menthat I am capable of doing my job, what does that say about me?" Zoeyshrugs silently. "If I do it, Zoe, it'll be like I'm agreeing with them. Like I'm...exactlywhat they think I am. Volatile. Unhinged. And...weak."

"But you're not," Zoey says in a quiet voice. "You're not any of those things. You're smart and strategic and you don't take shit."

"There's a different dictionary for men and women, Zoey," I say matter-of-factly. "And this dictionary's definitions don't paintusin a good light."

"Oh," Zoey hums uncomfortably. "I guess marriage is off the tabl?—"

"Marriage?" Our heads whip to the door as Leo barges in with a scotch in hand. His suspicious gaze darts between me and Zoey. "What's this about a marriage?"

"Learn to knock," I grunt, not giving away the anxiety rumbling in my chest. Time to mask up and pretend. Like usual. "We're in the middle of something."

"Care to share?" Leo casually strolls into my office. "Maybe I can help whatever...sticky situation you seem to be in."

"When I need your advice, Leo, I'll ask." I frown at him. "Why are you here?"

"Cocktails and company," Leo grins, giving me a wink. "I'm impressed, Mils, you've got yourself quite the establishment here."