Page 45 of Bloodlust

He frowns. "Not me...but someone."

"No," I seethe. "Try again."

"If not marriage," he muses, nodding slowly. "Then perhaps another type of union." He pauses, gears whirling. "Oh, this could work. It could...huh."

I blink. "What?"

He smirks. "I hear there are a bunch of great Italian Chinese fusion restaurants in New York City."

"Wha—" I snort, throwing my head back and laughing. "If you're suggesting what I think you're suggesting,then you're a fucking idiot." I catch my breath, wiping the corner of my eyes. "You want us to partner with The Dragons?"

"Those are the only options I believe would give you what you want." Malik shrugs. "You can kill me, Camilla, but it would not changetheirminds. As I said, I am only the face."

Suddenly, it's not funny anymore.

"Neither of those options are viable." I yank my hand off his. "Find another way."

"I have given you two options," he says, downing his drink. "It is time foryouto find a way." He stands up, gaze darting to the private rooms. "I will be in New York for a few more weeks. Call me when you've made a decision." He peers down at me. "I'd like Bunny for two hours."

My jaw locks. "I'll send her right in."

"Perfect," he growls, strutting away.

I sit at the table, staring off into the distance, my hand clenching around the empty glass. A union. He needs a union. Fucking bastard. Fucking hell. What the fuck do I do? I squeeze the glass tighter and tighter and tighter until I hear a crack. Shit. I glance down, slowly relaxing my grip, the glass still intact. My entire body buzzes as I stand up and stagger to my office, my breathing ragged. Calm down. I need to calm down. Oh my God. I reach for the bottle of vodka on my cabinet, stopping myself before I grab it.

Are you going to break more mirrors?A voice says.

His voice.


Instead of the bottle, I reach for my cell phone.


911. Call me.

The phone rings instantly.

"Hello? Camilla? Are you alright?" Hayden asks, out of breath. "What's wrong?"

"I need a drink. Meet me at Tap Lounge in fifteen minutes. It's an emergency."



"The need for an overpriced cocktail does not constitute an emergency," he says. "Plus, I'm busy right now."

"Busy? Your patient is about to lose her shit in a club full of patrons, and you're busy?"

He sighs. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you over drinks! Just get there."

"I'm not finished with my workout."

I cringe. "Ew. You're at the gym? It's midnight."