Page 34 of Bloodlust

And then nothing.

My eyes spring open as dread washes over me.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Is he still here? Why did he come? Did I call him? Ilook around my room and land on a business card on the floor. Oh God. I did, didn't I? Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

I take a small breath, my mouth dry. I glance over to my nightstand, surprised to see a glass of water sitting next to three Advils. I groan, reaching for the pain meds. Under the tablets is a piece of paper. I pop the pills into my mouth, chugging back the water as I read the note.

My office. Noon. Don't be late.

- H.M.

As if.

I scoff, rolling my eyes as Pinto enters the bedroom. He struggles to leap up on the mattress.

"Worst guard dog ever," I mumble, scratching between his ears. "You're kinda useless, aren't you, little baby? Aren't you?" Pinto wags his tail. "Thank God you're cute."

My head throbs as my phone chirps. No. Not today. I can't do it. The phone keeps ringing and ringing and ringing until I muster up the strength to hop out of bed and look for the fucking thing. I follow the ringtone, finding my cell tucked away in the corner of the floor.

3 missed calls from Zoey.

3 text messages.

1 missed call from Leo.

I wince.

1 missed call from my dad...

And a voice message.

I flick my nails, bracing myself as I call my voicemail and enter my PIN.

"Camilla," my father's voice is soaked in deepened disappointment. "I've been told there was an incident with Alba." He pauses, chills pricking my skin. "You... I cannot believe that you did that. You..." A deep breath. "This is unacceptable, kid!" His voice rises like a lion’s roar. "I raised you better than this! You shot the man? That is not how we do business! Ever." Another breath. "You must fix this, bambina. I did not leave our legacy in your hands for you to destroy it! Fix it, understand? I will call again later."

I stare at the phone screen, my reflection shining in the black mirror. I have my father's eyes. An earthy brown. Like bark on a yew tree. Those trees live to be thousands of years old. They weather storms, disasters. Always adapting. Changing. They're resilient.Strong. My eyes look like his, but they're not identical. They should be the same. I'm his daughter. His blood. But they're not.

My eyes lack his power.

His ability to control.

To lead.

My jaw tightens as my phone rings again, an unfamiliar number popping up on the screen. It's local. I hesitate before ending the call. But it rings again. I end it. And again. Who the fuck is this? A text pops up.

Unknown Number

Answer the phone Miss Bianco, or I will come get you.

Seriously? A little pushy for a shrink. I add him to my contacts.

I blink as the phone rings again. Something tells mehe won't stop until I answer. Clearing my throat, I bring the phone to my ear.


"It's almost noon," Hayden states. "I take it you haven't left yet."