Page 31 of Bloodlust

"Who else are you meeting?" I ask. Malik stays quiet. I narrow my eyes. "The Dragons?" He shifts. "You're wasting your time, Malik. The Dragons have no pull in New York."

"Wei Zhao disagrees," the troll grunts.

I blink, taken aback. "You've already met with them? When?"

"You ask a lot of questions," the troll notes, looking down at Malik and adding in a raspy laugh, "I thought you said she's a quiet one."

My ears burn. This bastard.

"Excuse me? I didn't quite hear that."

"Ignore him." Malik clears his throat. What sort of lies did he tell them? "There is nothing official with The Dragons yet, but I am being transparent. You should appreciate my honesty. I could have not said a word."

"You expect me to be grateful?" I scoff, standing up. Feet shuffle around the room. "You told me we had a deal. You said the contract was ours."

"It was a conversation, dear Camilla. I am sorry if you thought otherwise." Malik slowly rises from his seat. "The Angels are still an option, I swear. But we need more time."

"And yes," the troll pipes in, taking a step forward. "Youshouldbe grateful. Your father was an honorable man. We are showing him our respect." He hitches his nose. "Young people these days do not know honor."

"Honor means keeping your word," I say through my teeth. "I seem to be the only honorable person in this room."

"How naive. Honor isearned, little girl, it is not passed through blood," the troll says, glaring at me. My vision blurs as his words ring in my ears. "I think it is time for you to leave." He nods at the door. "We will be in contact."

"Little girl?" I whisper, almost to myself. "Say it again."

"Cam—" Leo's voice is lost in the sea of self-doubt and heightened expectations.

"What did you call me?" I ask, reaching into my pocket. I lock my eyes on the troll's. "Say it again."

"Oh no, we upset the princess!" The troll laughs. Really laughs. Like I'm a fucking comedy show. "Look at her face! So scary."

"Enough!" I whip the gun out of my pocket and point it at the troll, my body vibrating from rage. Every man around the room draws their weapon as I take a step forward, peering down at the small man. "You think you have the upper hand here? You think that you can laugh at me, huh? IamNew York,little boy.My family owns this city."I cock my head. "And you? You are nothing but a guest." I glance at Malik, relaxing my trigger finger. Breathe. "If you want our business, you should learn how to control your men."

Malik's lip twitches. "Apologize to Camilla," he says begrudgingly. The troll's eyes widen. "Now!"

"No," the troll states, standing his ground. He strides toward me. "I don't apologize towhores."

Triggers are sensitive. They require control. A delicate touch. The smallest movement and boom. Dead. Just like that.

Gone forever.

Thundering yells and the scrapping of chairs on hardwood surround me as the troll topples over, blood gushing from his shoulder.

I have a delicate touch.

And great aim.

"Call me when you're ready to make the deal," I say calmly, looking at Malik who's hunched over by his goon. "I'm not a very patient woman. Don't keep me waiting."

"You are crazy," he mutters, shaking his head. "I should kill you."

"Do it." I smile down at him. "I dare you."

Malik frowns, tending to the troll's wound. "Get out! Leave! Now!"

"Camilla, let's go." Leo grabs my arm and drags my limp body out of the house, my knees almost too weak to keep me upright. When we're outside, he grabs my shoulders. "What did you do? We need this contract! Do you think they're going to give it to us now that you've shot one of them?"

"It'll be fine!" I push Leo away, stumbling back myself. "I'll figure it out."