Page 123 of Bloodlust

Hayden leans over me, pressing his palm against all the gushing blood. "There's too much blood." He cranes his neck over his shoulder. "We need a medic! Fitz!"

"Mils..." Leo croaks through struggling breaths, placing his hand on top of mine as Hayden continues to call out for help. "I... I told you I came back for you." He chokes, coughing. "I... I told you that, didn't I?"

"Y-Yes, you did." I nod between praying sobs.God,please. Don't take him. Don't take him away. "I'm sorry, Leo, I am so fucking sorry. Please, Leo. Don't leave me."

"Y-You got to…" Leo swallows, eyelids fluttering as his body convulses. "You gotta learn trust people again, Mils." He coughs, the color vanishing from his face. He stares at me, smiling like an angel, a hero, someone who doesn't fear death. He tightens his grip around my hand, squeezing it one last time. "Not everyone..." His breathing falters. "Not everyone will hurt you... Not everyone will—" He groans, closing his eyes. "Not everyone..." His voice fades. "Will hurt you."

"Leo!" I cry, tapping his cheek frantically. "Leo, wake up! Leo!"


"Leo! No! Come back! Leo!"

"He's gone," Hayden whispers, prying my hands away from him. "He's gone, Camilla."

"No..." I shake my head, looking at his sister. "He can't... I—Zoey..."

A medical officer runs over and glances at Hayden.

Hayden silently shakes his head at the officer, lifting me to my feet as the other agent scoops a sobbing Zoella into his arms. "I'm so sorry, Camilla. I tried..."

"This wasn't supposed to happen," I whisper, staring down at Leo's lifeless body. "This wasn't supposed to…"

He was going to kill me. My own father. He wanted me dead. I thought of everything. I had a plan. I had a fucking plan. He's my dad. I didn't think he would shoot me. I didn't think that fucking bastard?—

He's going to pay.

He's going to fucking rot!

I snap my head up toward where my father was standing. What? He's not there. He's not standing.


I blink, gaze shifting to the ground, my eyes darting to the bullet in his forehead. "What..."

"I had to..." Hayden breathes. "He fired on you."

"You killed him?" I whisper, conflict stirring in my chest. "You killed my father?"

Hayden swallows. "I'm sorry, Camilla. I had no choice."



"We all have a choice, Hayden," I mutter, scanning the cemetery for Zoey. "We all have a choice."

Life is all about choices.

You get to choose.

You're either a villain.

Or a hero.

There's no in between.

Chapter 33