Zhao scoffs. "You areoutnumbered, Camilla." He nods toward the doors we entered through. "You think you got help back there?" He laughs, smirking. "You ain't got shit, princess. All your men are tied up and fucking useless to you right now."
"Is that so?" I hum, unfazed. "Wow. Do you want a round of applause or something?"
"I don't think you really understand what's happening, do you?" Zhao asks, shaking his head in frustration. "You're fucked, Camilla. You're fucked. You see…" He glances at Alba. "We—me and Malik—are gonna take those keys." He nods at my hand. "And you..." He gives me a proud grin. "And you will get nothing!" He raises his voice so his dead can hear him. "Nothing!" He leans closer to my face, his spit seeping into my skin as he whispers, "Because this time, you're the one that's going to surrender. You're the one who's going to run away!"
"In these shoes?" I breathe, giving him a little smile. "I doubt it."
"Just give him the keys, dear Camilla," a fatigued Alba states from across the room. "No need to be difficult. We do not want blood."
"Well..." Zhao hitches a shoulder, a frightening look in his eyes. "Maybe we do..." He sucks in a breath, licking his lips. "Why bother waiting?" He digs the gunharder into my chin and I hear Zoey whimper behind me. "We can handle it. We can fucking handle it!"
"Zhao!" Alba grunts in frustration as he approaches us. "No! We said not today!" He stops behind Zhao, swallowing as he attempts to talk his partner off the ledge. "We need time, Wei. We need more resources. The long game. We play the long game, remember?"
"But she's right here," Zhao seethes, eyes widening with homicidal tendencies. "Right in the palm of my hands!" He laughs, pupils growing with inhuman pleasure. "Look at her! Look at her face! She's scared. Look at that." He meets my flat gaze. "Look at the fear in her eyes."
"Fear?" I whisper, expelling a soft giggle. "You think I fear you?" I smile. "You think I fear death?"
"Camilla, stop!" Hayden orders in my ear, tone flustered, nervous. "Stop talking, now!"
We all have roles to play.
I'm playing mine the way I was taught.
Biancos don't cower. We don't surrender. We don't forfeit.
"No?" Zhao asks, gaze flickering across my resolute features. "Death does not scare you?"
"Does it scareyou?" I swallow against the barrel of his gun. "Are you afraid of dying, Zhao? Do you think about it sometimes? How it would be like to feel your soul leaving your body? To so, soslowly, lose your ability to breathe? Feel your heartbeat weaken? Feel the blood in your veins stop flowing, stop providing your brain with oxygen? Do you ever think about that?" I give him a weak smile. "Because I do."
"Camilla—" I ignore Hayden's voice as I continue.
"I think about it a lot," I say. "I think about it so often that death has become a friend. It's become a confidant of sorts." I lick my lips as I whisper, "I'm not afraid of death, Wei... I died a long time ago."
Zhao's nostrils flare as his jaw clenches. "Okay," he hums, licking his teeth as he scans the room, gaze landing on a quivering Zoella. His brow perks up, and he scoffs. "I wonder though…" He lowers the gun from my chin, taking a step back as he grins at Zoey. "I wonder ifshefears death. Hmm?"
"End it now, Camilla!" Hayden barks. "Bravo Team, wait for my signal! Fuck, Camilla!"
Damage control.
"Really?" I ask Zhao, blinking. "You think I care?" I expel a laugh as I point to Zoella. "Abouther? A Di Rossi? Really, Zhao?" I blow air out my nose as I narrow my eyes at him. "Jesus, you've been gone for too long." I step aside, gesturing toward Zoey. "You want to kill her? Please, go ahead. Be my guest."
Leo snaps his focused attention toward me, gaze hardened as he shakes his head subtly. I don't react.
"You hurt my sister, and I promise you will suffer a fate worse than death.” Leo yanks Zoey behind his protective body. "I promise."
"Camilla..." Hayden whispers my name like it's a prayer. He's pleading, begging me to end it. "Finish it. Do it!"
"Enough," I sigh, clicking my tongue and feigning exhaustion. "Everyone here is so damn dramatic." Idangle the truck keys in front of Zhao. "You want these? Huh? Is that what you want?" Giving him a sly smile, I throw the keys across the room and they land near Hazel. "Go get 'em, boy."
"Good gi—" Hayden says, freezing. "Good job, Camilla. Remember, stay the course."
"I'm going to fucking kill you," Zhao grunts, pointing the gun at me as Alba places a hand on his shoulder, guiding him backward. "I swear to God, your head is mine!"
"Let's go!" Alba says, nodding at the troll by the second exit. "We'll deal with her another time."
"Pick up the fucking keys," Zhao growls at Hazel. She stares at me, chest rising. Zhao wraps his hand around her throat, spitting, "I saidpick them up!"