Page 109 of Bloodlust

"Camilla," Hayden scolds in my ear. "Tone it down. I'm serious."

Tight ass.

The soldier doesn't react, stating again, "Arms up."

I roll my eyes, glancing over my shoulder at Leo and Zoey. "No need. We're very cooperative here." I remove the Beretta from my pocket and hand it to the soldier, casting him a sassy smile. "Unlikeyou, I only needonegun." Leo and Zoella forfeit their weapons as well before Alba's puppet looks over at Frankie who is still behind us. "He's good. He's staying out here."

"Go," Alba's soldier grunts, taking a step back as he ushers us inside the cold, dim room.

Zoey trails so closely behind me that I can almost feel her breath on my neck as we walk through the hall of the reconfigured shipping container. Distant chatter gets louder as we approach an opening behind thick plastic curtains.

"Thirty seconds," I whisper to Hayden, a chill of anxious finality rippling through my bones.

"We're on standby," he says. "Breathe, Miss Bianco. Remember..." His tone softens. "You're a shark."

"Finally," I breathe out as I whip open the curtain and strut toward Alba and Zhao who are huddled around a table in the middle of the makeshift room. Behind Malik stands the troll I shot a couple of months back, and next to him, fidgeting with her fingertips is the glue that's meant to keep this puzzle together—Hazel. "What a beautiful night for some illegal activity, huh?" I say, smiling at the two crime lords. "Evening, boys." I look at Hazel, catching the skittish contemplation in her deep, brown eyes. "Hazel."

She nods, not uttering a word as she sidles closer to Zhao.

"Welcome, Camilla," Alba says, eyeing the duffle bags as Leo drops them on the floor. His pupils grow with dollar signs. "I like what I see. Very big bags." He looks at me, scanning my face with hesitation. "Do we need to count or?"

I scoff, blinking. "Youknowhow to count? Shocking, truly." Alba glowers at me as Zhao lets out a hyena laugh. I roll my eyes. "It's all there, Malik. The Angels don't fuck around."

"Excellent," he states, turning to Zhao. "And you? Are The Dragons as virtuous at our friends from the heavens?"

With a grimy smirk, Zhao slams a silver briefcase on the table, unlocking it. He spins it around, thick bricks of uncut heroin filling the contents. "What does it look like?"

"Looks like a party," Alba laughs hoarsely, nodding to his troll and muttering something Arabic. The troll grins, snatching the case off the table. He gives me a smile as he comes to collect the duffle bags, struggling to lift the straps over his shoulders.

"Need a hand?" I whisper, looking down at him. "Too heavy?"

"Fuc—" He stops as Leo clears his throat. The troll looks up, anger burning in his eyes, but he retreats.

"Now for the fun part," Alba boasts, pulling two sets of keys out of his pockets. He dangles them in the air, wiggling his brows. "Almuluk is known around the entire earth for the most advanced, untraceable, and elite weaponry. It is a great honor for me and my people to finally have our product in these great United States." Hefaces Zhao, giving him a set of truck keys. "For you. You will find your vehicle in Lot B."

Zhao grabs the keys, grinning like an idiot before snapping his gaze to meet Malik's. "If you fuck with us, Alba, and we're short even one AR, you know what happens, right?"

"I have no death wish," Alba grunts, scowling as he circles the table and walks toward me. He gives me a warm, almost flirtatious smile as he reaches for my hand, gently opening my palm. "And these are for you, my queen." He strokes my fingers. "You are in Lot C." He leans down. "C forCamilla."

"Too close," Leo grunts, stepping in and pushing Alba away. "Watch yourself."

"Say no more." Alba tosses his hands in the air as he backs away. He glances at another exit, waving at his men. "We take our leave now." He smiles at me. "Until next time, Camilla."

"Don't react," Hayden whispers in my ear as if he can sense my budding worry. "Patience."

I clench the truck keys in my fist, my heart rate accelerating as I watch Alba walk away.Come on...I catch Hazel's eyes, narrowing my own in an attempt to get an explanation, a confirmation that everything is going according to plan.

She bites her lip, tugging on Zhao's sleeve.

"Alba!" Zhao finally shouts, turning around. "I think you forgot something..."

Alba stops walking, frowning as he turns around. He pats down his pockets, feigning confusion.

"Oh," he hums, exchanging a greasy grin with Zhao. "I fear you may be correct."

"I'll get it for you, my friend," Zhao chirps, facing me. His charcoal eyes glisten with betrayal as he looks down at my hand. I take a step back, and he lets out a laugh. "The keys, Camilla. We're gonna need those back."

Chapter 30