Page 15 of Gilded Caresses

My heart hammers in my chest when they move to stand. I watch their fingers drop to the buttons for their jackets. Are they coming over here?

Move Sapph. Do something.

My inner voice is right, but I’m trapped.

There’s usually a third with them. Elyah Morozov. The leader of the Southern Alliance. Brutal, bloodthirsty, and a real son-of-a-bitch. Harlon’s words are cut-throat when he speaks about his rival. I wouldn’t know. Gossip and hearsay aren’t good methods to measure others.

But he’s not here, I notice. It’s just his two friends. From several feet away I can see the muscles in their jaws flex, hungry intentions burning in their stares.

They start to move in my direction.

Are they coming over here? Yes, they are. Oh, God.

My pulse soars.

Lev says something to Gregor that has them changing course and sitting down again.

Wait. What? No. Damn it. What just happened? My blood pressure tanks.

When the tension breaks and the shock and intensity of their gazes shift, I feel like I can breathe again.

Get a grip, Sapph.

“Ms. Constantine. Are you okay?”

The sound of my name breaks the spell fully.

“Yes? Oh, um, yes.” I fall into reality and let me just say it sucks balls.

“Right this way, please.”

Belle stands and I make my way to her. Her long blonde hair is swept away from her heart-shaped face and there’s happiness written all over her expression.

I’d hate her if I didn’t love her so damn much.

I know for a fact Harlon will be happy for her, too, if she ever gets some steel into her spine and fesses up about what she’s been doing and with whom. But the fear of being black-balled keeps her lips sealed. Given how the family treated Harlon for the same kind of relationship, we both know she’s not wrong. Not from Harlon. She’s just afraid of big brother going into protective mode.

“I’ll leave you now, Ms. Constantine. Enjoy your stay in The Society.”

There for a minute, I thought the death card from the tarot reader might have been right. Too bad. I thought maybe tonight would be different and change was on its way. Disappointment fills me, but I remember my manners. “Thank you.”

I silently hope the first thing Belle notices is my new evening gown and not the markings on my throat. I weave through the low tables and sofas positioned throughout the room and accept Belle’s hug when I reach her booth.

But she goes for neither and instead picks up on the vibes passing between the Southern Alliance and me.

“What the heck was that about?”

She glances over her shoulder but I pull her back around.

“Never mind. It was nothing. Probably mistaken identity.” The same war going on inside me worsens. Being near them and not acting is killing me. I shove down my desires and school my expression.

“Liar. I’m not blind, Sapph. I see them every night, too. Harlon would keel over if he knew we were here with the Southern Alliance three tables over.”

It takes a huge amount of energy to not roll my eyes. I am so damn tired of all the borders and mafia feuds. “What? You scared of your brother now?”

From the outside looking in, she is the perfect example of a spoiled member of Constantine royalty. But I know the real her. She’s as dirty as she is sweet.

“Yeah right!” she scoffs.