“Don’t shoot, please, Harlon. Don’t shoot the men I love.” I feel a rush of adrenaline saying the words out loud at a time like this, but hey, when opportunities strike, right?
I dare a look at my men and I see the same emotions staring back at me.
All three of my men rush forward and move me behind them. I realize they will face down any threat for me. Their touch is possessive and loving.
Santi and Cassius move to Harlon’s side. We are in an official standoff. I love both sides but neither want to listen to reason.
“It’s always the same with you, Constantine. Always quick to judge and think everyone needs to drop to their knees before you.” Elyah is filled with rage.
I see the intent in Harlon’s eyes. The years of fighting and bad blood between them.
“You don’t see us saying anything to the contrary so let’s see those pretty suits of yours get ruined. Drop to your knees.”
“Not happening, fucker,” Lev snarls.
“Your cousin—” Gregor starts but I’ve had enough.
“—can speak for her fucking herself.”
Realization crosses Harlon’s face. And he lowers his weapon. I walk out from behind my men even though they are holding me back.
“I have to do this. Please. Trust me. I wasn’t running away today. I was going to save all of us. You don’t need to fight my battles for me.”
“I know that now. I didn’t want you to face him when it was us who put you in this predicament.” Elyah places a tender kiss on my lips. It’s a bold move when it could get him killed in current company, but he does it anyway.
“I am here with you because I want to be. Got it?”
I turn a pleading eye toward my men begging them to trust me and they slowly lower their weapons. “It’s okay.”
One group down, one to go.
I turn to my cousin and his two best friends hoping they give me a chance to explain.
“Harlon. This isn’t what you think.”
Hurt rushes across his face in a blur before the scowl he wears slips back into place.
“Then tell me, Sapph. You’re ripping my heart out. I have half the city looking for you and Belle has the other half.”
I cross to him. “I love them.”
A level of understanding stares back at me.
“Them, Sapphire? You had to pick them?”
I shrug. “Did you pick how love found you?”
My men step in. Each settles a protective hand on me. “I didn’t plan it, but I didn’t run from it either. Just like you didn’t with your wife.” I lean into Elyah and welcome the warmth of Lev behind me and Gregor to my other side. All three move hands over my belly.
“Don’t blame them. They gave me three weeks to tell you and I chickened out.”
Santi raises his gaze from me to meet Elyah’s. “There will be a price for this transgression.”
“We didn’t expect anything less. Name it.”
“It has to be this way, sweetheart. A fine for appearance’s sake.” He turns back to Elyah. “What are you willing to lose to keep, Sapphire. Territory or money?”