Roaming fingers linger over my heated skin. They don’t stay in one spot for long, just enough to send a flush of renewed fire to spill through me. Heat scorches a path straight for my clit. If they knew how close I am to coming on the spot, they’d probably take me right here.
As if an eight-point-five earthquake shakes my world I am thrown off balance as my reality shifts. I don’t care what others think. I want this. I want them. Taboo, cliche, and against the family credence of sleeping with the enemy. None of it matters. Belle was right. If I want something I need to reach for it.
Lev leisurely slips those curious fingers between my legs and pets my wet pussy.
“Still wet for us, beautiful?” he purrs.
He knows damn well I am.
“If you heard everything, then you know what we need,” Gregor draws in his Russian accent. “Let’s take this to a room. I want to get you naked and see your delicious body take our cocks.”
I swear with all my being my heart drops to the carpeted floor between my feet.
After mentally collecting my wits and the pieces of my thumping heart I find my voice and nerve buried under piles of doubt.
This is it, Sapphire. Time to be bold.
“You need a breeder,” I state firmly. “You’re right. I can help with that.”
Elyah takes my face in his hands. “We’ll need a contract first.”
Thirty minutes later I find myself sitting in Room Eight with the Southern Alliance, a mediator, and a breeder contract.
The breeder room. On the short ride to the first floor, Lev filled me in on a few pointers. The room comes with a iron-clad contract, a lawyer on standby, and a bed. And not much else.
I swallow the heat from my face and try not to let my nerves show like this is completely normal. But we all know it is not. Even the mediator is curious about our union with how her gaze keeps drifting over the men.
Gregor might have cleaned off my release from his beard, but all three of them still drink me in with insatiable desire. They watch every minute movement I make. The scary part is, I like it. I stroke the pad of my thumb over my pulse point and ground myself mentally against the onslaught of nerves.
I’ve never seen a breeder contract. Before now I didn’t realize they existed.
I never in a million years saw my life taking this turn. I guess I always thought I would carry on until I either got killed by the means of a man like Snake Eyes or…? Or what? I don’t know how to continue down that path.
“Do you understand what you are signing on for?” The mediator, a woman twice my age with a charming, warm smile and elegant poise points to the bullet points. I look them over again.
“I guess it’s no different than getting a sperm donor at a clinic.” This is just more…direct. Like times three more direct. My pussy clenches and reminds me I was all for this just a little while ago.
“I would like to think this experience will be better.”
We are sitting in a small sitting area with a plush leather couch and a couple of leather armchairs. Elyah’s large form takes up the entire chair across from me with his massive size and ego. The smug look on his face reminds me this might be something I wanted, but I truly do not know the full depth of the pool I have jumped into.
The air is scented with leather and the combination of the men’s cologne. It’s distracting and plays havoc with my senses.
“Afraid, beautiful?” Gregor rumbles in his low voice.
God yes. I don’t trust my judgment when I am around you.“No. I just want to make sure I understand all the points. Contracts are kind of my thing.”
“Gentlemen, let the lady decide without the pressure. It has to be solely her decision.”
I take the paper and read over the rules. I must confirm that I am clean,noton birth control, and consent to having three loversdoing anything and everything I desire in order to impregnate me.
And then my attention drifts to the offer price for my services.
I gulp in a lungful of crisp air. Palpitations have my fingers clutching at the paper and I backtrack over the last bullet point.