The game of kings and queens of the underground realm is a deadly one. And I am not sure we should bring Sapphire into our world. I know she’s not new to our way of life, but having our child and mixing our blood is a crime in the eyes of too many with loaded weapons.
But I can’t move forward in fear. If I want our men to follow our rules, I have to be willing to step out of the shadows and show my face despite the danger.
The cost of our way of life is sometimes blood and most times that is not even enough.
I toss my jacket on a nearby chair as I make my way through the house. I roll up my sleeves. Scars stare back at me. I see them in the mirror every fucking morning and they are a strong reminder I’ve given blood for the Southern Alliance. For my family. And those under me. As have my best friends.
I let myself into my father’s room and find him asleep. His chest rises and falls evenly. The doctor says a few months at best before the sickness takes him from us.
The nurse is resting in a nearby chair. I quietly move to the window and stare out over our city.
People below move about unaware of the shift of power coming to the streets.
People out there would have you think the price is too high to have it all. There are days I believe them. But I know our way of life offers more riches to a man than any white-collar worker will ever earn.
I watched as the man who raised me built a criminal empire in the shadows of Chicago. From my youth through my adult years, I learned from his strengths and his weaknesses. My reward for my full devotion and loyalty to my family is not only my life but the crown. I rule the Southern Alliance now and the change has made people nervous. I don’t share the same beliefs my father has and it’s going to cost me.
Some understand change happens. Others will be unlucky to be on the receiving end of my wrath until they see it my way. They’ll either fall in line with my orders. Or not. The only rule the game of crowns requires is respect.
Step over that line and pawns became expendable. And that is where we are now. Power has shifted and the changes we are making have our men untrusting of our decisions.
Our crew will have to learn to be okay with a lot of things really fast if they want to continue having a place to belong. You don’t get to the top without dropping a few bodies and burying a few secrets. Nothing to brag about. It’s an ugly truth I live with everyday of my life. One that has given me the reputation of being cut-throat.
“You’ve been standing there for an hour. It won’t be long now.”
I shake my head in anger. My father’s warm, raspy words draw my attention away from the streets below. I know he only speaks the truth, but that doesn’t make it any less painful to hear.
And it sure as hell doesn’t mean I have to like it.
Anger soaks into my tone and I barely contain the wrath penetrating my soul. “You keep saying that like I can’t wait for you to be dead. You should know better or I would have killed you a long time ago, old man.” I find my father’s gaze in the mellow darkness. Only a couple of lamps chase away the shadows of death. His face is flushed and I note the glassy emptiness that fills his eyes.
Normally, anyone who spoke to the Southern Alliance’s king as I did would have his balls handed to him right after his tongue was placed on a silver platter and I would be the one to do it.
My father cracks a grin. “Always the smart ass.”
“You keep chasing death by inviting him in, he’s going to hear you.”
My father pushes to sit up and the nurse jumps up to fluff his pillow.
He slips into his native tongue with the woman who clicks her tongue at my father’s irritation with accepting help. “Thank you, now. Can you leave my son and me for a while? I promise I won’t run off.”
“Da.” She mumbles under her breath the whole time she’s heading for the door. I don’t get a cursory glance as she shuts it behind her.
“Did you find someone suitable to share the crown with you and your men?”
I lower myself onto the edge of the bed and offer the ailing man a drink of water. Cancer has stolen his strength so I lend mine.
His weathered hand comes over mine. “Silence cannot be your answer forever, boy. As head of the Alliance, your voice will need to be louder than everyone else’s.”
I replace the water as I hear Lev and Gregor stepping into the room. They are like sons to the man who fathered and raised me. They come closer and get the same treatment as I did.
“Well? Will I meet your soon-to-be-wife anytime soon? I don’t have forever, you know.”
I don’t think I am the only one shocked into silence. Around me, we all three exchange looks.