Page 139 of Set Me On Fire

But I liked it a whole lot.


I wanted to tell her to stop, to give me at least the chance to last, but instead, my hips moved in time with her strokes.

“You decided to put on a show for me.” Knox’s voice cut through the haze I was descending into. “And I sure as shit didn’t stop this car to see you blow in three strokes, Charlie.”

Right, right, Millie. I turned then, dragging her mouth my way and kissing her hard. I couldn’t finesse anything. I needed my tongue beside hers, delving deeper, getting deeper, right as my fingers found her entrance and pushed in.

I liked the way she sucked in a muffled breath, the way her hips jerked up and off the car seat in response, then her long shuddering sigh as she wrenched her mouth away. Noah’s fingers were there, playing with her clit, giving her all the stimulation she needed if her softening grip around my dick was anything to go by. That had me wondering if we could push her harder. My little finger delved between her bum cheeks, just nudging that tight little knot of muscle, remembering the way her arse took all of me so fucking well. Animalistic groans made it clear that wasn’t just a one night thing, but with no lube, I didn’t dare do anything other than rub around that ring, promising to play with it later.


Millie was gorgeous, but none more than when she was close to coming. That complete loss of control, I craved it like air. Her eyes went wide and she panted through the waves, the moment she came apart clear to me. Her cunt clamped down on my fingers, as if to stop them from pulling away, but I only would for microseconds before thrusting them right back. Over and over until her whole body went rigid.

“I’m coming!”

I pushed my head into her neck and kissed it, breathing in her scent and her moans as she rode the waves we made until they finally faded away.

“Holy crap.” Her smile was shaky as she looked at each one of us. “So that’s what we could’ve been doing all evening, rather than me schlepping bags of alcohol around.”

“You shouldn’t have been carrying anything,” Noah said. “That’s what you have us for.”

“Only that?”

I watched his mouth fall open, his brows crease as she began to stroke his length again. I was right there with him as she did the same to me. Knox, he just watched her, a sly smile on his face.

“You could have been on orgasm number five or six by now,” he said, “seeing as that’s something we’re apparently good at.”

I was so damn close to my own I was forced to wrap my hand around hers and slow shit down.

“Get us home, Knox,” I rasped out. “As fast as you safely can. Making out in a car? That’s teenage shit. What we’ve got planned, that requires a whole arse bed.”

“On it.”

He turned around, pulling the car out onto the road, the rest of the ride a blur of kissing right up until we walked in the front door of Knox’s place.

The stinkof fresh paint was in my nose, reminding me of how this could all go wrong if we weren’t careful, but it wasn’t the nursery we stumbled into. This room was big, still, and just ever so slightly musty, as if it hadn’t been walked into for some time. We all did now, following Millie towards the bed.

Hands, hands were everywhere in ways that they weren’t last time. That night each one of us claimed a part of her, greedy for what we could get, but now, now we worked together, pulling her dress up over her head, her underwear off until she was naked before us.

That’s when I had to stop and stare, wanting to store this sight away in my head. The last time was a hazy mash of sensual impressions, but I was sober now. I saw the way the moonlight loved her, filtering in through the half-drawn curtains, bathing her in white and dark shadows.

“What?” she said as we just stood there, hands rising to cover herself, but I couldn’t let that happen. Mine grabbed hers, stopping them where they were.

“Just looking,” I replied. “Just staring. Just trying to remember every second of this moment.”

“One of many,” she prompted gently, and that made it all OK.

“Then let's make each one better than the last,” Knox said, claiming her mouth.

He kissed her slowly, with intent, wanting to erase everything that had happened in this house and replace it with something far better. Need, desire, but more than that. Something far deeper, far more intense. She pulled away with a gasp, sucking in breaths as she nodded up at him, making clear she understood. He picked her up and laid her down on the bed with all the ceremony of a groom with a bride, and maybe that’s what this was.

Noah and I joined the two of them. His hands roamed across Millie’s body, as if he couldn't work out what to touch first. All of it, I wanted to tell him, claim every part of her. She made the decision, though, her back arching when he covered her breast, her legs sliding open as the other covered her mound.

“Millie, I—” Knox started to say, crawling closer.
