Page 117 of Set Me On Fire

She expertly potted two more balls before straightening up.

“Your turn.”

She didn’t specify who, and both Knox and I stepped forward at her command, then looked at each other sheepishly. In the end, I took the next go, deliberately positioning myself as close as I could to Millie, even though it wasn’t the easiest shot.

“So you’re cool with this?”

“Are you?” she muttered under her breath. “Those girls are gorgeous.”

“I didn’t notice.” I leaned down and took my shot but just sent the white ball spinning uselessly, barely tapping the one I was after. “I never do. There’s only one girl for me, you know that.”

“I do now.” She pulled away from me and nodded to Charlie. “It’s your shot.”

“Hopefully they get the bloody point now.” Knox came to stand beside us, scowling openly at the girls. “I was pretty bloody rude to them.”

“Which means there’s something going on here,” Millie growled, but not at the girls. She stared at Dave until he turned around, nodding in our direction. “I knew I should’ve nailed him harder in the nuts when he didn’t vomit afterwards.”

We all started to chuckle as Charlie leaned over to take his shot. The girls’ focus sharpened, following his every move. The girl with that brown hair that’s dyed to fade into blonde slid off her chair and sauntered forward. She watched him pot one ball, then another before sliding over to lean on the pool table cushion.


“Um… hey.” Charlie moved away from her, taking another shot, but she followed like a lion on the hunt.

“I’m Savannah.”

“Uh huh.”

“Do you want to junk punch Dave now or shall I?” Knox asked Millie, watching the woman chase Charlie around the table with a frown.

“Or we could tackle the situation head on.”

Millie left her cue leaning against the table, moving smoothly to take the spot next to Charlie. He let out a little sigh when she was close. Our girl thrust her hand out, forcing Savannah to deal with her.

“Hey, I’m Millie.” Savannah just stared at her hand. “Did you want the table next so you and your friends can play? Usually, you just leave a gold coin on the cushion.”

“We’re not here to play pool,” Savannah said with a slight sneer and went to step past Millie, but our girl shifted sideways to intercept her.

“Then what are you here for? Charlie’s potted enough balls that he’s not going to have to drop his trousers and run around the table bare-arsed, so that can’t be why. Though…” She slapped her hand down on Charlie’s arse and the dickhead gave a theatrical shiver. “I can understand why you’d be so keen to see this in all its glory.”

Savannah took a step backwards, her lip curling into an attitude of disgust, but Charlie turned to Millie.

“Spank me harder next time.”

“Oh my god, what kind of brother-sister relationship is this?”

“I’m sorry, what?”

I was walking around the table and so was Knox, converging on Savannah, which had her friends joining her, ready to back her up.

“Aren’t you her brothers?” Savannah asked, pointing at the three of us.


“So you’re not super protective of them and trying to ruin their chances at happiness,” the brunette said to Millie.


Savannah sighed before looking back at Dave. “That prick.”