Then I’d be walking out of office parties carrying my girl, leading my child by the hand, going home to my wife…
Where the fuck had that thought come from? I blinked, waiting for the fear to rise with it, but it never came. I wasn’t afraid of commitment. Instead, I’d never really been given the chance. Being the class clown got the girl’s attention, but it didn’t keep it. Millie stared me down, eyes narrowing, as if she saw exactly what I was up to, her arms crossing her chest. I wasa very good boy and didn’t stare at her tits, even though I really wanted to.
“OK, you can do that at my parents’ place.”
This was a test, I got that from the challenge in her eyes, but she didn’t know. What the hell were firefighters but blokes willing to look a disaster in the eye and be willing to run right into the face of it? I smiled slowly.
“Sounds good to me. Knox?”
His expression was a mirror of mine.
“Just tell me when and where.”
Once we’d cleared that hurdle, I wanted to get closer, move onto bigger and better things, but that’s not how it worked out. The shrill bell that blared over the PA system told us we had another job that needed attending to.
“To be continued.”
I darted forward, hoping Knox stepped in to block sight of us from the hallway. Millie sucked in a breath to tell me to stop, her breath coming out in a hiss as I placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. I’d see if I could steal more of them, deeper kisses, after work. Right now, I turned and walked down the hall, a smirk on my face, which was kind of unnerving for my teammates, I’m sure. Henry marched up to the printer and tore off the piece of paper, glancing at the details before handing it to Knox.
“Where the hell did you get to?” Noah asked under his breath as Knox turned to face us.
“Saw Millie,” I replied. “Apparently we’re due at her parents’ place tonight?”
He had questions, many questions, I was sure of it, but Knox broke in.
“Jesus, it's an industrial fire. Chemicals, industrial waste, the whole bloody thing.” He stared at us. “We’ll be coordinating with Gareth’s team. Time to suit up.”
We all moved with common purpose, heading towards the appliance bays. Industrial fires sucked, the conditions often unpredictable due to the presence of large amounts of flammable chemicals and business owners’ lax storage of them, but as I jerked on my gear, this didn’t diminish the way I was feeling at all. If anything, it made me more determined. Sort this fire out, get back to work, finish up the day and then wow Millie’s family.
All in a day’s work, right?
Chapter 42
“Bitch, where the hell have you been?”
I was just walking up the front steps to Mum’s and Dad’s place when I heard a voice. Jamie came running over, rugby tackling, I mean, giving me a hug before stepping back. “You didn’t call me back. How did it go? Did the guys respond well?” She peered into my eyes, trying to gauge the answer from my expression. “Are they onboard with things? Are they going to fight it out bare knuckle style to determine who will actually be the father?”
“Might want to take a breath there, love, and let Mills have a chance to answer you.” Brock moved in and gave me a quick hug. “How’re you holding up?”
“Weird.” Both of them looked me over in concern. “Sorry, that doesn’t make any sense, but yeah. We met last night and I expected to turn up to an empty table.”
“Millie…” Jamie said.
“But instead, they were all like, ‘Don’t drink wine and have every dish off the menu.’”
“That’s how they got you to choose something to eat when out?” Hunter asked, appearing at my shoulder. “That’s freaking genius. Maybe we’ll eat before closing time when we go out as a whole family.”
“And then Noah asked me out on a date.” I expected a response, any response, but they all just stared at me. Hayden sucked in a breath, but my finger was up and in his face before he could get a word out. “You are going to be nice to him.”
“Of course,” he replied smoothly.
“No threats.” I stared at all three of my brothers. “I mean it. He and the guys are coming by tonight?—”
“Fuck, I wish I’d known that,” Hunter said. “Anything we’ve done that will piss the parental units off? We need to confess tonight because when those guys walk in, Mum and Dad won’t give a shit about what we’ve done.”
“We’re not five.” Brock rolled his eyes. “And anyway, after our big relationship announcement, everything else is small potatoes.” His hand went to my shoulder. “We’ve got your back. Dad is gonna get all overprotective and shit.”