Page 36 of Set Me On Fire

“I can take over at any time,” I told her. “You just let me know.”

“I… No, I…” I loved the way her words fell apart as I drove her higher, angling my hips to hit that spot inside her with every stroke. “No, just like that. Just like that. Oh, god, yes, that.”

I did exactly as she said, thrusting up into her over and over until I felt her whole body shiver.

There was nothing hotter than fucking a girl bare. I felt every inch of her clamp down, growing wetter by the second. Then those waves pulled it from me, all that I had, emptying my balls and replacing it with a haze of bliss that almost transported me out of my body. My hands locked down around her hips, holding her there when she tried to move.

“No, stay…”

There was too fucking much in those two words, her eyes faint gleams in the darkness. I was glad for the shadows because that way she couldn’t see it. I didn’t give a shit how we’d ended up here, I just knew I didn’t want it to end, and if she pulled off me, it would. Instead, I laid her down beside me, kept her tucked against my chest as the other two snored away. Millie would want to clean up, to wipe away the mess I’d made between her legs, and usually I’d be there with a damp hand towel to take care of it. This time, my hand slid down to her stomach, cradling it.

“Just like this.” Sleep was coming for me, ready to drag me under, and before it succeeded I pressed a soft kiss to the back of her neck. “Just like this…”

Chapter 20


Doing the walk of shame always sucked. Doing the walk of shame out of a busy fire station was epically bad. The next morning I woke with a snort and saw that I did not indeed have a very sexy aneurysm where all my firefighter fantasies were fulfilled. Instead, I was confronted with the sight of all three of them in all their naked glory.

Taking photos would be wrong, yeah? Like it would be invasive and ignore their right to privacy, so I found my phone and my clothes, shoving the device in my pocket as I scrambled to get ready. I stopped when I was dressed in the uniform because my dress was still damp and just stared.

Merry Christmas to me.

I’d had my little sex goddess fantasy fulfilled, but right now my head hurt, my mouth felt like the bottom of a bird cage, though at least I’d had a shower. Charlie had found me in there, getting me clean and then dirty all over again.

The only thing left to do was bail.

I didn’t want to. What I really wanted was to throw myself down on the bed and do sexy snow angels on all that male flesh, before they woke up and decorated my halls all over again.

“Knox?” a muffled voice said outside the door. “Knoxy, you there?”

But my days of being a ho, ho, ho were done, and I needed to be the cool girl and GTFO, stat. I waited for the footsteps to fade away, then opened the door a crack. The coast was clear so I tip-toed out, quickly orienting myself. I saw the brass pole in the distance, hustling towards it, and then sliding down without trying to be fancy about it. Home free, that’s what I thought, when I landed beside the fire trucks, the massive roller door retracted, letting the morning air in. I wove my way between the different vehicles, grabbing out my phone and organising an Uber when a masculine voice interrupted me.

“Didn’t realise we had a new staff member.”

Were all the guys hot here? This one was tall and had freaking dimples that popped as he shot me a knowing smile. He took in my bare feet, my clothes and heels dangling from my fingers with a raised eyebrow.

“Some of the guys leant me a uniform,” I stammered out. Where was the confident sex goddess of last night? Apparently, she only existed when I’d drunk too much wine. “I’ll bring it back after I’ve had a chance to wash it.”

“No rush.”

He looked me up and down slowly, as if seeing all of the things that led to me dressed as a firefighter, but before he could say anything else, we were interrupted.

“Rhett, are you…?” No fucking way. Brent, the station commander stood there in a freshly pressed uniform, his voice trailing away as he caught sight of me. “Millie! Just the woman I was looking for.”

“You were?”

Both Rhett and I looked at him in shock.

“You stayed overnight in one of the bunks?” he said in the same kind of warm tone my dad used. “Smart move. We wouldn’t want to peel what was left of you off the road if you got into an accident. Now, love, this probably seems all a bit fast…”

Um, what the actual fuck was he about to ask me?

“But I was wondering if you’d be interested in the office admin position Judy is vacating. You seem like a nice young woman. Sensible, steady.” No one, literally no one, would say that about me if they knew how last night ended. “I can direct appoint you to the position for the first ten weeks, then we have to go to an application process, but you’ll have incumbency…”

A sharp toot had us both turning around, because the cavalry, or Uber, had arrived.

“Can I get back to you?” I said. “Sorry, I’m a bit hungover and not really in the right place to make that sort of decision.”