That was the problem with this kind of thing. Just as much as I relished the chaos, there was always a possibility someone would get hurt. Usually it was just us blokes mucking around. Things might get a bit feisty, but the next day cooler heads would prevail and we’d all build a bridge and get over it.
I wasn’t so sure we’d ever get over this.
Was I watching my team fracture in real time? Only the coin would decide. Because Jase and Sally were now out, it was my turn. I picked it up and tossed it the moment Knox zipped himself back up. Land on something, anything to break the tension.
‘Stay silent until someone lands on your name.’
Shit, it was like Knox had written that down just for me, and my lips locked tight even as I mutely pleaded for someone to throw the coin on my name. Brian just cackled as he took his go. It landed in a blank spot and he was there scribbling down his dare. ‘Remove a piece of clothing.’ Fuck, he was predictable. Mick leered at Millie, no doubt imagining her doing just that, only a nudge to the ribs getting him to take his turn.
I was betting he wished he hadn’t.
I stifled a snort as it landed on ‘kiss someone next to you.’
These stupid pricks, they thought they were going to have some fun with Millie, but statistically they were much more likely to be getting nakey or doing body shots off each other.Mick shoved himself back from the table, looking at Dave then Brian before shaking his head.
“Rules are rules.” Noah fixed them with a steady stare. “Who’s it gonna be, Mick? Dave or Brian?”
“Don’t fucking look at me,” Brian spluttered. “This game is bloody stupid. I tell you this every damn time, Head.” I just blinked as I stared up at him. He did indeed tell me it was dumb, whenever he landed on a dare he didn’t want to go, and just like the other times, he picked up his keys and made for the door. “I’m out.”
Dave shook his head as two of his team members went to leave, and that had Knox getting to his feet. I held out a hand, mutely telling him I’d look after it, make sure they got in a cab or an Uber, not their own cars. Dave had a dangerous gleam in his eyes, and I wanted everyone else making sure he didn’t get his hands on Millie.
“Guess it’s my turn then.”
Noah was a dark horse, quiet but strangely determined when he wanted to be, and when he picked up the coin, I knew what he was aiming for. My dare. I had no interest in changing places, but Noah? He wanted to get as close to Millie as possible. He could thank me later, I mused, as I trailed the guys outside. They were still grumbling, the crankiness only getting louder when I took their keys off them.
“Look, Head Job?—”
Brian was always an angry drunk, but I faced him down without blinking, making clear what was going to happen.
“You need to get home in one piece to fight fires another day,” I told him before looking at Mick. “Both of you. I’m ringing you a cab.”
“You’re also talking, breaking the rules of the game.”
Brian seemed to think this was some big gotcha moment, but it wasn’t. This wasn’t about me. Would I like to be the one kissing Millie? More and more with each moment, but Noah, he’d been waiting for that honour for far longer. He needed to make his damn move and either live happily ever after with her or crash and burn.
Then I could shoot my shot.
For a second I saw it, her naked, underneath me, those beautiful red lacquered fingertips raking across my shoulders as I drove myself deeper. I allowed myself one hot little fantasy, right as the cab pulled up.
“Go home, drink lots of water, and take some painkillers,” I instructed.
“Fuck you, Charlie,” Mick grumbled.
“Fuck you, Irish,” I shot back without any real heat, opening the door for them and then giving the address to the cab driver, right as another car pulled up.
Why did I sound so guilty? She knew the deal with Dave, and yet she kept on turning up here for him and I couldn’t think why. She was smart, gorgeous, but had toxic taste in men.
“Is Dave inside?” she asked, forcing herself to smile. “Sally sent me a text, let me know that Dave might… need a ride home.”
Or end up sucking face with another woman. The girl code was strong with the wives and girlfriends of the station.
“He probably does. Everyone’s been drinking a fair bit.”