Flowers, really?
I sounded like an ungrateful bitch, but shit, we’d just talked about this. If they were going to make any sort of lovely gesture like this, it needed to be outside of work.
What flowers?
That was Knox, straight to the point, the tension obvious in his text.
Someone sending you flowers?Charlie was considerably more chill.That you, Arky?
I assumed that was Noah. Noah = Ark = Arky.
Didn’t have time this morning, but I can come by with some tonight if you like?he replied.
Smooth, Charlie replied.Babe, I’ll have a whole rose bush for you on your doorstep if I can take you out tonight.
I blinked, watching the banter unfold, but they were missing the point.
If you didn’t send the flowers, who did?
The little dots stopped forming as everyone considered that. Turns out I was asking the wrong person.
“That’s a nice bunch of flowers, Dazza.” I’d almost forgotten the nickname I’d earned the night of the party, but Dave hadn’t. He grinned as he walked past. “Who bought you those? Guess it’d be hard to know, with all the guys on your roster.”
“If you’re pissed you’re not on it, just say so.”
I shouldn’t have snapped that out but watching the grin get wiped from his face was too good to miss.
“Like I’d want to fuck a slut like you.”
He snarled that at me, his face a mask of rage, because there was no one to step in to stop him. At least, that’s what he thought.
“Except you wanted just that only days ago.” I shook my head, playing it cool, even as my heart beat hard in my chest. “So much so, you were willing to risk a sexual assault charge, but what ended up happening?” I made a show of inspecting his face. “Nasty bruise you got there.”
“You talk big for someone who’s simps are lolling around at home, waiting for another opportunity to sit in a cuck chair,” he shot back.
“And you talk big for someone who could lose their entire career if he doesn’t shut his fucking mouth.” I was slow to anger, but when it hit, it burned everything in its path. “I can walk into almost any pub in the entire city and have a job before the day ends. Can you say the same if I report you to HR?”
I watched with a growing sense of hysteria as his hands formed fists. Danger, my heart beat, I was in danger, but I couldn’t seem to shut up.
“I don’t know what game you think you’re playing, but it's not one you can win. Back off.” Jesus, I shoved a finger into his chest and he moved back. “Leave me the fuck alone and look into a transfer. You know you’ve burned almost all your bridges here. Start somewhere new where they don’t know what a dirtbag you are.”
Half the time I dealt with unruly guys at the pub by treating them like little boys, not even showing them the courtesy of being scared of them. Doesn’t mean that’s not how I felt. I turned on my heel, giving him my back with my shoulder bladesitching, anticipating a blow that never came, before marching back into the station. I didn’t take a full breath until I was inside the building. By that time, my phone notifications were in overdrive.
I’m coming in, Knox announced.You’re not safe.
Millie? Millie, are you OK?Noah wrote.
Calm your tits, Charlie added.I’ve seen our girl in action. Someone taught her to handle herself.
And I did, I replied finally.Pretty sure it was Dave trying to put a scare into me.
That fucker.
Yeah, on that Knox and I agreed.
Just saw him in the carpark.
And did he try anything?Everyone wrote some variation of that.