Finally, he clears his throat. “No, I’m not. But that doesn’t matter now. We’re having a baby. You and me. After everything that happened this summer.”
“Yes, but—”
“I love you, babe. That’s all that matters. I’ll see you Monday.” He hangs up before I can even think to respond—to reject or accept his love.
My heart trills at the words, but the rest of me has its doubts. The words were familiar and comfortable and safe but also outdated. It’s startling how quickly he fell back in with me while another woman waited. I’ve never seen his switch flip before. Never understood what drove him back to me whenever he left. But it was instantaneous. FromI’m with another womantoYou’re all that mattersin a blink. His fealty is less than reassuring, and despite what he probably intended, it undermines any faith I have in his words. What kind of person so easily leaves the woman in his bed? The woman who I have no doubt is Sheila. At a different time in my life, I might have found his antics romantic. A sign of how deeply he loves me. Proof that this other woman means nothing. But I’m not that person anymore, and it’s a harsh truth that Julian doesn’t understand that.
Chapter 47
“Don’t you have something better to do with your Saturday than hang out at home?” Liz asks teasingly. “It’s summer. Go to the beach.”
I look up at my sister, my eyes unfocused after spending most of the day buried in a book. Liz showed up an hour ago to spring the pregnancy news on Dad, but he is, per usual, running late. Fortunately, after cohabitating for the summer, I don’t feel the need to entertain her, though she’s been pestering me since she arrived.
“It’s raining,” I say, motioning to the balcony doors.
“Exactly.” She grins. “Less tourists.”
“No. Whiny tourists with nowhere to go.”
She rolls her eyes. “Okay, but you have a boyfriend, don’t you? A best friend?”
I glance over at her. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
“No.” She laughs. “I’m surprised you’ve sat here for the last hour reading a book on one of your last weekends at home.”
“Well”—I put the bookmark back in place—“Becca is withherboyfriend. And my boyfriend is prepping for freshman orientation with a bunch of my old teachers. So I’m here, reading my book in peace and quiet... Oh, wait.”
Liz laughs again. She does it easily now. “So Max is yourboyfriend?”
How did I fall for that? Oh my god. “You baited me!”
I palm my face, hoping to hide the blush that’s spreading. I have a boyfriend. After the summer I had, I have an easy relationship with my sister and a boyfriend. Who would’ve guessed?
I hold up my phone open to a photo of me and Max canoodling on his couch last night with several hashtags—#adventuresofmaxandzee, #instaofficial, #mustbeserious, #boyfriend. “It’s Instagram official and everything.”
“And Dad approves?”
“Yes. He gave me a hug and said it made sense for me. Dating an older guy, that is.”
“Well, I’m happy for you, sis.” Liz’s hand hovers over her belly. There’s barely a change there, but she still does it all the time. I wonder if she notices. “As is your niece.”
I whip my head up. “What? Oh my god! A girl? When did you find out? How did you sit here for an hour and not tell me this?”
Liz crosses the room and sits next to me on the couch. “Breathe, Auntie Zoey.”
“I’m going to be an aunt.” I’ve known I was going to be an aunt for two weeks now, saw that little blur on the screen and heard its heartbeat. But the reality didn’t set in until I heard the word “niece.” It gave that cherry complete definition. Aunt. Niece. Besties.
Liz puts a hand on my arm and looks at me with wet eyes. “And, if you accept, a godmother.”
Tears spring to my own eyes, and I’m not even embarrassed. Liz has seen me ugly cry all summer. Happy tears are more than welcome. “Yes, of course. Oh my god.”
“You said that already.”
I stand, dabbing at my eyes, and walk into the kitchen. I rummage through the drawer by the fridge, where we keep scores of take-out menus.