Page 26 of The First Love Myth

“Yes, sorry.” I slip past Claire and into the bathroom. Once inside I let out a breath and then another. My forehead is damp and my hands clammy. I’m weak on my feet, and if I wasn’t in a public restroom, I would have already sunk to the floor. It took everything not to confront Claire. How can she stand there and talk to me as if we’re long-lost friends? As if I don’t hate her with every fiber of my being?

I turn on the water and splash my face. Before I straighten, the door opens and Claire steps in. She shuts and locks the door behind her. Why didn’t I do that?Fuck me.

“Are you really not going to say a single word to me?” She grips the doorknob, as if I’m going to bum-rush her to get out. And it’s not the worst idea I’ve had tonight.

“I have to pee,” I say finally.

She shrugs. “Then pee. It’s not like we haven’t peed and talked in this very bathroom before.” When I don’t move, she crosses her arms and leans back against the door. “Fine, tempt fate to give you a bladder infection, but I’m not moving until you talk to me.”

“I have nothing to say to you.”

“Oh, I highly doubt that.”

The rambling girl who was caught off guard by my appearance is gone. This is Claire as everyone else knows her.This is her fierce and unforgiving and in control. If I want to be mad, that’s fine with her, but I better at least scream about it. My therapist suggested something similar. But will it really make me feel better? I don’t think it will. I’ve decided how I feel about Claire. We’re done, forever. Screaming about it will only open up those feelings again. But a part of me wants to do it, wants that release.

Claire’s phone lights up, and a photo of Rob appears.

“I can’t believe Rob can stand to look at you, let alone touch you.” My voice is incisive. It’s not yelling, but it’ll do. Hurtful words come easily in a way they never do with Andrew. They both betrayed me—I know this—but Claire was my best friend, and breaking that trust is so much worse.

“I told him his penis is bigger than Andrew’s and that he was better in bed.” She looks up from her phone, her gaze locked on mine. “Between you and me, though, Andrew is superior in many ways.”

My stomach churns, and I will my body to hold it together. Throwing up on Claire is unacceptable. That would mean losing today’s battle, and I will not capitulate. Anger burns under my skin. My hands curl into fists, and I force them back open. Punching Claire is also unacceptable. Karma will come back to her. It always does.

“But apparently you’re not superior.” The words are out of my mouth before I can even consider them. The rational part of my brain knows this is a bad idea. But anger wrapped its arm around rational and pulled it deep down into a cage where I can no longer hear its pleas.

“And why’s that?” she asks, her tone suggesting she has no idea what I’m about to drop.

My lips curve into a smile. It’s malicious and cruel and not me but also meafter. “Because I’m the one he’s still fucking.”

Chapter 22


“Tell me more about this guy.” I curl my feet up under me and balance my wineglass on the arm of Liz’s couch.

She did a superb job furnishing her apartment quickly and on budget. I’m impressed by my little sister’s know-how. It’s almost like she’s been paying attention all these years. The small space looks put together and cozy. The armchair in the corner makes you want to lounge with a book, and I can imagine cuddling with Evie on the couch. The galley kitchen is the standard, but Liz added pops of color to it with dish towels and utensil holders and a few of those clever signs—“Many people have eaten in this kitchen, few have died.” It’s not my style, but it screams Liz to me in a way that her house with Julian never did. Regret scratches at me. The apartment is Liz without Julian.

Liz glares at me from the overstuffed armchair. She’s been in a fabulous mood since she showed up for dinner, but now the stress is showing. It’s etched in her face and in the set of her shoulders. And even though she hasn’t said it, or even really shown it, she’s hurting. A lot. Julian is the love of her life. Until now, that’s always been enough.

I sip my wine, swallowing down my worry with it. “Tell me about this guy.”

“It wasn’t anything, Cee.” She fiddles with her wedding ring. “Besides embarrassing.”

Liz’s cheeks are pink, her eyes downcast. Embarrassing or not, my sister felt something. That’s probably the problem itself. Happily married people don’t feel things for random bookstore dads.

“You are allowed to think another guy is good-looking, Liz.”

“I know that.”

I’m not sure she does. I’m not sure of anything, honestly, because she’s been tight-lipped about it all. But if Liz is planning on making this “break” permanent... I can’t stop my brain from starting an endless loop of Ross and Rachel. Will that be Liz and Julian in a few months? Fighting over what happened during their time apart and if their marriage vows had still applied? I’m not even sure if I want them to get back together. What I want is for my sister to be happy and cherished and loved. And she is those things with Julian most of the time. But, if I’m honest, I’m getting tired of looking past the rest of the time.

“Are you going to take your ring off?” Probably not the best icebreaker, but if Liz turns her ring any more, she is going to burn through her finger.

“I don’t know,” she says, finally looking up at me. “I mean, I’m still married.”


“You’re right. And I know Julian was off doing god knows what with god knows who all the other times we broke up, but we were kids, Cee. We’re not kids anymore. This is mymarriage.”