‘Woof-woof!’ Aaron barks, bouncing past me and jumping paws-first into the ball pit. ‘Yay! I won!’
‘I’ll beat you next time,’ I laugh, smiling as some more of our Littles friends join us in the extra-deep ball pit.
‘Puptastic!’ Aaron giggles, flipping plastic balls up in the air and batting them away.
This feels like a super-happy moment.
I’ve had plenty of fun times at The Fluffy Diaper in the past, but this is different – now I’m with Nico and everything seems to feel so much better.
Aaron has his Daddy Rafa, and between us it seems like we make a good foursome.
Two younger Daddies and two Older Littles – or should that be puppies?
‘Who would have thought it?’ Aaron says, settling his butt down in the ball pit for a moment. ‘It wasn’t long ago that we were both two older Littles who didn’t have love in our lives.’
‘And now look at us!’ I say, my smile beaming. ‘I guess we owe a lot to OlderLittles.com.’
‘We sure do,’ Aaron says. ‘It might have taken a website and app to put us on the track to love, but from there I think it was all natural though.’
‘I agree,’ I say, thinking back to the first moment I met Nico in real life. ‘I can’t imagine life without my Daddy now. He’s just the best.’
‘Nawww, so sweet!’ Aaron giggles, playfully batting a plastic ball in my direction. ‘And now you get to live together too!’
‘Do you love living with Rafa?’ I say, already knowing the answer but wanting to hear it anyway.
‘It’s the best,’ Aaron giggles. ‘If you think it’s fun dating a Daddy, just wait until you live in the same house!’
Both of us share a knowing look and I can tell exactly what Aaron is thinking about.
Aaron’s right too. While it’s been super-fun dating Nico, I know that we could be doing even more fun and sexy things if we were living together. And now it looks like I’m about to find out all about that – and I cannot wait!
But before any more talk of moving in together, I realize that my diaper is feeling a little on the heavy side.
‘I think I need some help from my Daddy,’ I say, standing up from the ball pit and turning to check out the back of my diaper. ‘I think it’s changey-time.’
‘Okay, catch you in a bit!’ Aaron says, barking and turning to go and play with some of our other Little friends. ‘Woof! Woof!’
I bark back in return and make my way toward Nico.
And it seems like Nico has read my mind too.
Before I arrive, Nico is already standing up from his chair and holding a fluffy new diaper in one hand.
‘How did you know, Daddy?’ I say.
‘Call it my Daddy instincts,’ Nico chuckles. ‘Come on, pup – it’s time to get you changed and dry.’
‘I love you, Daddy,’ I say, putting my hand in Nico’s open palm as he holds it out for me.
‘And I love you too, boy,’ Nico replies, my very own young Mafia Daddy. ‘We’ve got a great future together. Watch out world, there’s a new Master and puppy couple in town.’
I’m so happy – in fact I’ve never been happier in my whole life.
Chapter 18
The life I was born into is a dangerous one – and that’s an understatement.