And as I feel his thrusts build to a huge crescendo, it’s clear that I have a big effect on him too…
‘Fuck… keep… working… that… ass…,’ Nico groans as I feel his hot seed shoot up inside me. ‘Damn it, you’re too hot. Holy crap, Eddie…’
I giggle and roll my eyes back as Nico leaves his dick deep inside me and pushes my button all the way to climax.
‘D-D-D-D-D-Daddy…’ I say, my legs trembling and my cock spurting hot, thick cum. ‘You’ve… wow… I can’t speak…’
Time seems to stand still as Nico holds me tight and keeps his cock firmly planted all the way inside me. I’ve never had pleasure like this before. Not even close, in fact. There’s something about Nico that just works for me in a way that I didn’t think I’d ever get to experience in real life.
But there’s no escaping the fact that Nico is real.
I wouldn’t change a single thing about him, or this moment.
However now that we’ve both had our orgasms, I think I need to face reality at least a little bit and get that front door locked. The last thing I want is my customers worrying about what they’re eating every time they bite into one of my creamy eclairs!
Chapter 12
I’m usually up early in the mornings. It doesn’t matter how late I was before going to bed, the dawn chorus is usually all the alarm bell that I require.
Today is no different.
Except the only difference is that instead of taking my time with my usual stretching and core workout, I’ve headed straight out for an emergency meeting with Rico.
The Luca Conte situation is getting out of control.
I know it. Rico knows it. And so to do our senior bosses in the family.
‘The word has come from up top,’ Rico says as he sips on his espresso. ‘Conte has to be eliminated. The family is concerned that Conte doesn’t know what his boundaries are.’
‘Fuck, Conte went beyond the acceptable boundaries some time ago,’ I say, shaking my head. ‘It should never have been allowed to get this far.’
Rico and I are sitting outside Strong Bean, one of our favorite early morning hangouts.
With a selection of some of the best roasts in the city, Strong Bean is a great place to down some seriously good espressos – oh and the fact that the baristas are cute as hell isn’t exactly a bad thing either!
But I’ve got no interest in casually checking out the sweet baristas today.
I’ve only got eyes for Eddie now – and in a totally different kind of way, Luca Conte too.
‘I’m some fucking angry at Conte,’ I growl. ‘The city has been in peace for so long. Sure, there’s the occasional beef. Maybe sometimes a man has to be taken out. But what Conte is doing could provoke all out war.’
‘Tell me about it,’ Rico says, his voice serious and pensive as he stares out onto the park opposite us. ‘But it is what it is. This is what we do, brother. We need to act quickly, and make sure there is nothing left to doubt. You’re not going soft in your old age, right?’
‘Ha! I’m younger than you!’ I laugh. ‘And to answer your question, no I absolutely am not going soft. I’ll blow that sonofabitch away without giving him a second thought. I just…’
‘Speak it, brother,’ Rico says, seeing that I’m holding back on something.
‘I just have Eddie to think about now,’ I say, dropping my guard for a moment. ‘I have to make sure that I keep myself safe for him too. I’m not afraid of dying. Never have been. But now that I’ve got my baby boy, I guess I’ve just got a lot more to live for.’
‘Damn, you’ve got it bad,’ Rico says, a wry smile on his face. ‘But I respect what you’re saying one hundred percent. We’ll makesure this job is clean as clean can be. I’ve got your back, you know that.’
‘Speaking of the boy…’ I say, my eyes distracted by my phone flashing up a message from Eddie…
EDDIE: Daddy, I’ve got BAD news. Mitch is sad because the horrible landlord is selling the bakery to a mean Mafia man. There’s no way he’ll let Mitch keep the bakery open and that’ll mean no more East Side Sugar! XoXo
NICO: Boy, do you know the name of the Mafia man? This is important. Find out the name and tell me ASAP. Daddy.