‘Naaaw, I’m fine!’ Eddie calls back, almost challenging me to do something about his sass as he turns and wiggles his romper-covered butt, nearly slipping off the ship’s bow in the process.
I can’t let this stand.
The nap was meant to reenergize the boy, but instead it seems to have filled him with enough sass to power a rocket ship.
I need to take action, and make sure that Eddie doesn’t forget who’s in charge…
‘Captain Daddy boarding,’ I holler, picking up a spare pirate hat as I stride over toward the ship. ‘And there shall be a spanking immediately upon arrival. I run this ship now, and I want your bottom bent over the plank!’
Eddie bursts out into laughter, but if he thinks I’m kidding then he’s got a whole other thing coming…
‘Here, now!’ I holler, climbing up onto the ship and taking a shocked Eddie by the hand and marching him over toward the plank. ‘Romper off. Diaper down. It’s time to make these butt cheeks ship-shape!’
‘Daddy!’ Eddie protests, wriggling as I undo his romper and haul it down, swiftly taking the boy’s fluffy white diaper down too. ‘I’ll be good, I’ll be good!’
‘I know you will, my young shipmate,’ I roar. ‘But first… you will be spanked for your past crimes on these here seas!’
I don’t waste any time and bring down two quick spanks, one on each of Eddie’s deliciously wobbly ass cheeks. The boy tries his best not to whimper but lets out a cry – and it’s all the signal I need to begin the spanking in earnest.
‘Ar-Har! I am the Daddy King of the seas!’ I bellow, continuing to redden my boy’s sumptuous bottom with each spank. ‘And from now on you will be my obedient, submissive cabin boy. Is that understood?’
‘Y-y-y-yes, Daddy!’ Eddie replies, his hard cock swinging from side to side as I grab his warm butt cheeks and jiggle them around in the hands. ‘I’ll do whatever you tell me. ‘Excellent!’ I exclaim, rounding off the spanking with six more spanks, each one landing squarely on the boy’s flaming hot backside. ‘And now we must retreat below deck. I’m going to cool off this butt. And then I’m going to see to that throbbing cock of yours too…’
With that, I take my sassy, sexy, and thoroughly spanked Eddie off the ship’s plank and lead him down to the ship’s floor. We’re going to have plenty of fun together, and once we’re done we’ll be more than ready to set sail and conquer the whole world as Daddy and boy…
Chapter 11
‘Do-do-do-dee-dee-dee!I love my little bakery!’ I sing, totally in my element as I begin to lay out all the ingredients and equipment for my latest experiment.
It might be after hours at the bakery, but I’m more than happy to be here.
As much as I love serving customers and providing them with the sweetest treats in the city, the thing that I love more than anything else is when I get the chance to work on new recipes and really push the envelope and create some of the wildest flavors imaginable.
I guess I’vealwayshad an imagination when it comes to food.
Even as a kid when I would help my mom with her own baking, I would always want to try a different flavor or put another color in the mix. My mom was great and would often let me influence her recipe or even work alongside her and make my own thing entirely. I guess so much of my love of baking goes back to her, and I’ll forever be grateful for that.
But I’m a big boy now.
I might be a Little but when it comes to the baker’s kitchen, I like to be in charge.
And with my portable speaker playing some fun music and my mind very much sparking with ideas, I’m ready to get seriously wild with some whipped cream, sprinkles, and choc-chip chunks…
‘Oh, sorry, we’re closed!’ I call out, the knock at the door momentarily distracting me.