‘Yay! I’m so happy!’ I cheer. ‘No offense, Mitch.’
‘Ha! None taken,’ Mitch laughs. ‘Go. Have fun!’
With that, I gather my belongings and head out of the door with Nico.
‘Wow, Daddy, this is a brilliant surprise,’ I say, holding Nico’s hand and feeling every bit as excited as I did the first time I met Nico. ‘Were you in the shop when I sent… mynaughtymessage.’
‘I sure was,’ Nico grins. ‘Don’t worry, no one else saw it. But it definitely gave me some food for thought, let’s put it that way. Anyway. Enough of that, I’ve got the afternoon planned out.’
‘You do?’ I say, curious as to what’s in store for me.
‘How does a trip to The Fluffy Diaper sound?’ Nico says, a gorgeous smile on his face. ‘You’ve been working hard thismorning according to Mitch, so I think what you need is a good feed of milk and a nice, long snuggle with your Daddy.’
‘Yay! Yay! Super-yay!’ I exclaim, my excitement causing me to bounce up and down on my toes.
A surprise day date?Brilliant.
A surprise day date at The Fluffy Diaper?Now that’s just perfect!
‘Daddy! I want my bottle!’ I say, lying on the floor with my legs kicking up in the air. ‘Bottle! Bottle!’
I might have only been in the Fluffy Diaper’s playroom for half an hour, but I’m already well into Little Space – and can you blame me?
The Fluffy Diaper’s playroom is nice and relaxed at the moment. Well, certainly the feeding area is. It’s just me and Nico currently, and I’m not complaining about that at all.
A stray balloon from over in the fun corner drifts over and passes by me. I try to reach out and bat it with my hands but it moves too fast.
Oh well – sports was never my strong point!
In nothing but my cupcake-patterned diaper and with a tummy ready for milk, I’m feeling regressed and ready for feeding time with my Daddy.
Oh, and the fact that my stuffie Squeeze is here with me and safely tucked under my arm is making me feel extra-super-mega happy too.
But… where is my Daddy?
My tummy will start rumbling if I don’t fill it up with some milk soon!
‘Daddy!’ I holler again, a big smile on my face when I see Nico walking over toward me with a full bottle of my favorite milk.
‘Hey baby boy, guess who’s got your milkies?’ Nico says, showing that even though he might be a mean and tough Mafia man, he’s got the credentials to be a kind and sweet Daddy too.
‘Yay!’ I squeal as I climb up onto my Daddy’s lap in readiness to suckle down the milky goodness. ‘Milk!’
Nico smiles and lowers the bottle to my mouth.
GULP! – this tastes absolutely perfect!
And what’s even better is the fact that my milk is being fed to me by a drop-dead gorgeous younger Daddy.
I have plenty of sexy fantasies about younger Daddies, but to be held gently in the arms of one such Daddy as he feeds me my milkies is something special too.
I feel so safe and secure in Nico’s strong arms and lap.
As the milk flows down my throat and into my tummy, I quickly feel myself relaxing even more.
This is an extra-special Little Space moment that I’m not sure I’ve felt before. I’m in so deep, and I just love it!
In fact, it feels so good that I close my eyes as I suckle and slurp.